Freedom of Information Act Requests
Freedom of Information (FOI) Requests
The South Carolina Freedom of Information Act, S.C. Code Ann. §30-4-10 et. seq. (FOIA) is the law that gives citizens the ability to obtain non-exempt public records/documents from a government agency. FOIA provides a citizen a qualified right to inspect or copy any public record of a public body (District Five), except as exempted in FOIA statute (S.C. Code Ann. §30-4-40)
FOIA (§30-4-30(c)) allows a public body 10 days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal public holidays) to notify the person making the FOI request its determination on whether the FOI request is appropriate and can be fulfilled. Once this determination is made, then the District will begin assembling the requested records/documents. FOIA does not require the District to provide the requested documents in the 10-day time frame.
FOIA does not require the public body to create new work product, create or manufacture documents, make statements or provide answers to questions submitted as an FOI request.
To learn more about the Freedom of Information Act click –
If possible, use the online form to the left located under the Freedom of Information Act Request section to make your FOIA request.
FOIA also allows a public body to establish and collect fees not to exceed the actual cost of searching for or making copies of records (see fee schudle below). School District Five has chosen to utilize the following guidelines regarding response to FOIA requests.
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) fee schedule
Photocopying - There will be no charge for a single request for compilation and/or reproduction of up to 10 pages. After 11 pages or more, the charge for photocopying is caculated at $0.10 per page for black and white copies or $0.80 er page for color pages, or the prevailing commerical rate at the time of the request.
Employee/Administrative Time - If permissible, the district may charge a resasonable fee for staff time required to adequately respond to the FOIA request. The district will not charge any fees in excess of printing costs and the staff time required for the response.
Generally, information requests requiring more than one hour of staff time will be assessed at the hourly salary of the lowest paid school district employee who has the necessary skill to perform the request, as determined by the district.
Computer/Information Technology - Charges will be based on costs associated with the process. For the use of a CD, DVD or memory stick, there will be a $5 charge.
Estimation of fees and payment - A reasonable deposit based on the expected cost wil be required prior to searching for and/or copying the requested records.
The requester will be notified of the charges assessed for fulfilling an information request. Actual costs will be recorded throughout the process, and will be reconciled with the requester upon completion. A deposit of 25% of the reasonably anticipated cost for searching for, redacting, and coping the requested information may be required by the district prior to collection and/or fulfillment of the request.
District's Address - Fees should be sent to:
School District Five of Lexington and Richland Counties
1020 Dutch Fork Road
Irmo, SC 29063
*Updated 7.17.17