FOIA Responses
To view each year's FOIA Responses please click on the tabs below!
- 2024-2025
- 2023-2024
- 2022-2023
- 2021-2022 Part 1
- 2021-2022 Part 2
- 2020-2021
- 2019-2020
- 2018-2019
- 2017-2018
- 2016-2017
July 2024 - December 2024
Name of Requestor |
Date Completed |
Item Requested |
Documents |
Richard Henderson | 7/2/2024 |
The number of students registered to attend Chapin Middle School for the 2024/2025 school year that reside in the Portrait Hill subdivision |
As of our most recent data, School District Five currently has 53 students who live in Portrait Hill and who we anticipate will enroll at Chapin Middle School for the 24-25 school year. Please note that this number will change throughout the summer as students enroll, withdraw, or transfer. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cynthia Beasley | 7/25/2024 |
Insurance claim payments from fiscal years 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and the 1st and 2nd quarters of 2024, including claim number, agency, claimant, cause of claim, date of incident, date closed, and monetary amount (i.e. paid losses, paid expenses) | |
Victoria Pantsari | 8/29/2024 |
Requesting information on teachers: Are they certified to teach the subjects and /or grade levels they are teaching? Are their certificates waivers or substandard certificates? What are their academic majors, graduate degrees, if any and what are their certification areas? (The form handed out to students at school does not provide any information on this form, only to call the HR department) |
In response to your request, any parent can request information about any teacher of their child. Under federal law, parents have the right to know:
Amy Blevins | 9/9/2024 |
Confirmation of renewal of the following bids, as well as renewal pricing for each bid (if applicable): School Nutrition Paper Products (2022-050) |
Please be advised that School District Five does not currently possess any documents responsive to this request. The contract in question automatically renewed with no price changes. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Anna Mitchell | 9/9/2024 |
Public records related to surveillance software used to monitor student activity on district-issued devices |
Please be advised that School District Five does not currently possess any documents responsive to this request. Thank you for your understanding, and please let us know if you require anything further. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Audrey Fromson | 9/16/2024 |
June 14, 2021 Board Meeting Public Participation Video |
6/14/2021 Public Participation Video | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bristow Marchant | 9/25/2024 | Any and all costs incurred by the school district from being named as a defendant in the lawsuit brought by Dr. Stephen Hefner. | | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ken Loveless | 9/25/2024 |
A listing with dates of invoice and amounts of payments from District 5 to Kenneth B. Loveless and/or Loveless Commercial Contracting, Inc either as a construction contractor vendor, an employee or a volunteer school board member. Include any reimbursements for travel expenses, meals, etc. |
School District Five makes every good-faith effort to identify and provide all documents pursuant to FOIA requests. Please be advised that School District Five does not currently possess any documents responsive to this request. Please accept this as our final determination and response regarding your request. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sheila McGrath | 9/25/2024 |
Complete copy of your most recent contract with substitute staffing provider ESS | |
Michele Ziehl | 9/27/2024 |
135 day base enrollments from 2023-2024 for each of the following schools, respectively, and the number of students within those respective base enrollments that were out-of-attendance area students (including but not limited to CHOICE students, Title 1, district employees’ children, other exemptions, etc.) by category of exemption:
| | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stacy Veldman | 10/8/2024 |
Total number of District 5 employees actually located in Lexington County for the Lexington County ACFR |
Lexington County Chapin Elementary-103 Chapin High-152 Chapin Intermediate-93 CrossRoads Intermediate-86 Irmo Elementary-73 Irmo High School-173 Irmo Middle-131 Harbison West Elementary-102 Leaphart Elementary-79 Nursery Road Elementary-90 Piney Woods Elementary-77 Seven Oaks Elementary-93 |
Mary Wood | 10/23/2024 |
Any and all communication between Lexington-Richland 5 school board members, the superintendent, administration, staff, and community members regarding me, Mary Wood, specifically and the other teachers of the Chapin High School English Department beginning in October of 2023 to the present time | | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Justin Cunningham | 10/30/2024 |
Vendors: A list of all vendors your institution has used from 2022-01-01 onward. For each vendor include: 1. Vendor Name
2.Vendor Contact Name
3. Vendor Contact Email
4. Vendor Procurement Method
Purchase Orders: A list of all purchase orders dated 2022-01-01 onward. For each purchase order include: 1. Purchase date
2. Vendor name
3. Line item details
4. Line item quantity
5. Line item price
Contacts: A list of all current employee / staff contact information. For each member include: 1. First Name
2. Last Name
3. Position Title
4. Department
5. Employment Type ie: full-time, part-time, contractor
6. General Office Phone Number
7. Direct Office Phone Number
8. Email Address
Below is a link for the available responsive Vendor and Purchase Order information. You may find employee contact information using our Staff Directory. |
Michael Bishop | 10/31/2024 |
Bishop FOIA Documents | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bruce McDade | 11/14/2024 |
All emails to or from the Lexington County Auditor including all attachments from 6/1/24 to 10/24/24 |
Auditor Emails | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Nicey Raiyani | 11/19/2024 |
RFP: Digital Forensic Services
| |
Cathy Huddle | 12/12/2024 | Video record of the hallway outside the conference room where the board met in executive session the night of 10/28/24 from the time Mr. Weissman and Mr. Knotts left the executive session through the time security officer Catoe escorted Mr. Satterfield to the exit of the building | The information has been provided to the requestor. However, district surveillance video will not be posted to this site to protect the district's safety and security measures | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Madison Dobrzenski | 12/18/2024 |
School District Five is not able to produce the requested video, as it is exempt from disclosure pursuant to the FOIA, including S.C. Code § 30-4-40(a)(2) and (4). The FOIA exempts from disclosure under § 30-4-40(a)(2), "information of a personal nature where the public disclosure thereof would constitute unreasonable invasion of 'personal privacy.'" School District Five is also unable to produce confidential student educational records (to include the video) as they are protected from disclosure under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”), 20 U.S.C. § 1232g. FOIA Section 30-4-40(a)(4) requires exemption of the video sought, as it exempts from disclosure records specifically exempted from disclosure by statute or law. The FERPA requires the District to maintain the confidentiality of student education records. “Education records” include “those records, files, documents and other materials which – (i) contain information directly related to a student; and (ii) are maintained by an educational agency or institution or by a person acting for such agency or institution.” 20 USC § 1232g(a)(4)(A). 34 CFR § 99.3 defines “record” to include a video. A record is a student's education record if it contains “personally identifiable information,” which is defined to include, among other things, "… information that, alone or in combination, is linked or linkable to a specific student that would allow a reasonable person in the school community, who does not have personal knowledge of the relevant circumstances, to identify the student with reasonable certainty; or information requested by a person who the educational agency or institution reasonably believes knows the identity of the student to whom the education record relates." 34 CFR § 99.3. Please accept this as our final determination and response regarding your request. |
Bruce McDade | 12/18/2024 |
Computer printout of vendor invoice history for US Treasury for arbitrage rebates paid for the period of 6/30/19 thru 6/30/25 | | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Jennelyn Ayad | 12/18/2024 |
Updated Public Information-Open Records Report for 2023-2024 for Lexington 05 School District teachers and employees. Please include the following information in the EXCEL format report.
Please be advised that the requested information can be found in School District Five's online staff directory. Please let us know if you have any difficulty locating that site. |
Barry Walker | 1/14/2025 |
The statistics on the number of students who received a Certificate of Attendance versus a High School Diploma upon leaving Irmo High School, Dutch Fork High School, and Chapin High School, broken down by school |
The numbers represent the PowerSchool coding as follows: |
Stacey Oliver | 1/14/2025 |
School District Five has one contract in response to this request. It is for vision teachers through SC School for the Deaf & Blind. The open position was posted through the district but no vision teachers applied. The contract is for the school year. The most recent update was in December where the total price increased $212.50. Please accept this as our final determination and response regarding your request. |
Amy Blevins | 1/27/2025 | Confirmation of renewal of the following bids for the 2024/2025 school year, as well as renewal pricing for each bid (if applicable): 1. Ice Cream Services for District Schools (2020-026) 2. Milk Products for Lex-Rich District 5 and Other Listed School Districts (2022-046) |
Please be advised that both contracts automatically renewed this year. However, the contract for ice cream products expires in March 2025 and will be rebid before expiration. |
Kim Murphy | 1/31/2025 |
A list of Responders to the RFQ for the Construction Manager, which was opened on January 7, 2024 | | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Deborah Briggs-Dean | 2/5/2025 |
| | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ken Loveless | 2/11/2025 |
Please provide any request from any individual or group requesting of board members, staff or administration the removal of the School Board mandated posting of the JAG audit report from the district Website. The audit report link was removed from the site from approximately March 1,2023 until May 1,2024 but was reinstated sometime around the latter date. Please provide any documents which show request the removal and reinstatement from the time period approximately February 1,2023 until approximately June 1,2024. | |
Scroll down to see the 2023-2024 FOI Responses for the months of January 2024 - June 2024.
July 2023 - December 2023
Name of Requestor |
Date Completed |
Item Requested |
Documents |
Bristow Marchant |
7/11/2023 |
I'd like to get a copy of the letter the National Education Association sent to District Five in regards to the AP Lang course at Chapin High School. |
School District Five does have the document responsive to your request. However, it is exempt from disclosure pursuant to the FOIA Section 30-4-40(a)(2), as it contains [i]nformation of a personal nature where the public disclosure thereof would constitute unreasonable invasion of personal privacy." |
Ian Grenier |
7/11/2023 |
Cease and desist letter sent to Lexington-Richland Five board of trustee members on 6/26/23 from the South Carolina Education Association |
School District Five does have the document responsive to your request. However, it is exempt from disclosure pursuant to the FOIA Section 30-4-40(a)(2), as it contains [i]nformation of a personal nature where the public disclosure thereof would constitute unreasonable invasion of personal privacy." |
Donlon Patrick |
7/19/2023 |
Date of the most recent citizen referendum to approve a bond issue submitted by District Five and the outcome of the referendum |
The most recent citizen referendum was approved by voters on November 4, 2008. |
Valerie Smeltz |
7/20/2023 |
Confirmation of renewal of the following bids, as well as renewal pricing for each bid (if applicable):
1. Ice Cream Services for District Schools (2020-026)
2. Milk Products for Lex-Rich District 5 and Other Listed School Districts (2022-046)
3. School Nutrition Paper Products (2022-050) |
Ian Grenier |
8/8/2023 |
All communications, including emails and text messages, between any members of the Lexington-Richland Five board of trustees and any of the following members of the S.C. General Assembly between Feb. 1, 2023 and July 25, 2023. |
Those members are:
Rep. Adam Morgan Rep. RJ May Rep. Josiah Magnuson Rep. Thomas Beach Rep. Mike Burns Rep. Bill Chumley Rep. Bobby Cox Rep. April Cromer Rep. Patrick Haddon Rep. Rob Harris Rep. Stewart Jones Rep. Jay Kilmartin Rep. Steven Long Rep. Ryan McCabe Rep. Alan Morgan Rep. David O-Neil Rep. Melissa Oremus Rep. Jordan Pace Rep. Ashley Trantham Rep. Joe White
School District Five's records search revealed that the only documents responsive to this request have already been produced under a different request. You can view the email messages here. Please let us know if you have any difficulty opening the file. |
Lou Bezjak |
8/11/2023 |
Home football attendance for all high schools in Lexington 5 for the 2018, 2019 and 2022 seasons |
Ian Grenier |
8/18/2023 |
All purchase orders, request for reimbursement/payment forms and payment receipts associated with payments from the Lexington-Richland Five school district to religious organizations (including churches, mosques, synagogues and temples) paid using federal ESSER funds between March 27, 2020 and July 1, 2023 |
Ian Grenier |
8/18/2023 |
All evaluation forms, rubrics, reports and communications produced by the Lexington-Richland Five Board of Trustees as a part of their 2023 evaluation of superintendent Akil Ross between May 1, 2023 and June 26, 2023 |
Sonja Bradford |
8/30/2023 |
A report on student numbers by race, gender, disability status, and with/without disciplinary actions who has been approved for and denied interdistrict transfers at all Richland/Lexington 5 schools over the past 3 years, excluding time when schools were closed due to COVID. Please include districts denial/approval by decision making criteria, which based on letter received, included closed enrollment, grade space availability, scheduling conflicts, student eligibility, student misconduct, excessive absences, and/or excessive tardiness
A report on student numbers by race, gender, disability status, and with/without disciplinary actions who have been approved for, denied acceptance, removed, or willingly chosen removal (within a year) from Dutch Fork High STEM’s Program over the past three years, excluding time when school were closed due to COVID
A report on student numbers by race, gender, disability status, and socioeconomic background who have received disciplinary actions over the past three years, broken down by expulsions, out of school suspensions, in school suspensions, and detentions (Exclude COVID closings) |
As explained in previous correspondence, School District Five is generally prohibited from releasing personally identifiable information about students pursuant to a federal law known as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act ("FERPA"), without the consent of their parents. “Personally identifiable information” includes, among other things, “other information that, alone or in combination, is linked or linkable to a specific student that would allow a reasonable person in the school community, who does not have personal knowledge of the relevant circumstances, to identify the student with reasonable certainty;” or “information requested by a person who the educational agency or institution reasonably believes knows the identity of the student to whom the education record relates.” See 34 CFR §99.3.
Additionally, the South Carolina Freedom of Information Act specifically excludes from disclosure “[i]nformation of a personal nature where the public disclosure thereof would constitute unreasonable invasion of personal privacy.” S.C. Code Ann. §30-4-40(a)(2).
Christian Chitwood |
8/31/2023 |
Document showing the Capacity Utilization percentage for each school in the district for each year for the period 2012 to 2022 |
Each year the district's annual comprehensive report contains this information in the statistical section. In the FY22 report this information can be found on pages 147-150 of the pdf. This table shows the enrollment and capacity for FY2013-FY2022. The link to this ACFR is here
The FY2012 information can be found in the FY2021 ACFR on pages 159-161 of the pdf. The link to this ACFR is here |
Beth Cogan |
9/14/2023 |
Any and all communications between Akil Ross or any other agent of the district and Michael Montgomery related to the file Michael Montgomery opened on Kenneth Loveless in March 2020
Any and all emails, electronic and written correspondence, as well as any notes and proof of telephonic communication attempts and communications between Akil Ross and Michael Montogomery or any other agent or employee of the district concerning Kenneth Loveless |
Emily Okon |
9/14/2023 |
The code of conduct agreement between students who live in the Harbison Gardens/Beacon Hill area and the school district |
Please be advised that School District Five students residing in Harbison Gardens and/or Beacon Hill are subject to the same Student Code of Conduct Handbook as all other students in the District. There are no changes or adjustments specific to a neighborhood or community.
You can review School District Five's Code of Conduct here. |
Michael Bishop |
10/2/2023 |
Under the SCFOIA I request a copy of the SC OIG produced at the request of the D5 board. I could not find it on the district webpage. |
School District Five of Lexington and Richland Counties made the SC OIG report available as part of its August 21, 2023, Board Packet. The report is listed as Exhibit M.
The full report can be found on the Office of Inspector General's website. |
Bruce McDade |
10/31/2023 |
All emails sent to or from the Lexington County Auditor from 6/1/23 to 9/15/23. |
Gary Collins |
10/31/2023 |
The school district’s sports emergency medical action plan.
All public records showing the number of AEDs the district possesses.
All public records showing the locations of the district’s AEDs.
The district’s policies for use of AEDs.
All public records showing the district’s training for use of AEDs.
All public records showing the availability of AEDs by sport.
All materials provided to students relating to gender identity and sexual orientation.
All materials provided to students containing the term “antiracism.”
All materials provided to students and staff containing the phrase “gender-affirming care.”
All materials provided to staff containing the phrase “restorative justice.”
All public records relating to drag performances sponsored by the district or held on school district grounds. |
Michael Bishop |
11/7/2023 |
A copy of the signed book challenge submission that was submitted in September of 2023 |
This document can be found on School District Five's website, under the Challenged Materials tab. |
Alan Thomas |
11/7/2023 |
All records relating to the review of A Court of Mist and Fury in the 2023–2024 school year, including (but not limited to): any complaints about or challenges to the book and records of any discussions of the complaints, challenges, or review (before and after) |
This document can be found on School District Five's website, under the Challenged Materials tab. |
Bruce McDade |
11/15/2023 |
Any attachments to emails sent to or from the Lexington County Auditors Office from 6/1/23 to 9/15/23 |
Ian Grenier |
11/20/2023 |
I was wondering if Lexington-Richland Five collects data on its rates of chronic absenteeism (and particularly if it's broken down by grade level/school year/demographics).
Kim Murphy |
11/21/2023 |
Copies of reports prepared by McMillan, Pazdan, Smith which were discussed at the October 23, 2023, board meeting and provided to the members of the Board of Trustees. |
These documents have been added to School District Five's Five-Year Master Facilities Plan website. |
Haley Hubbard |
11/21/2023 |
A copy of the McMillian Pazden Smith Facilities Condition Assessment which was on the discussion agenda for the Board of Trustees meeting held on October 23, 2023 |
These documents have been added to School District Five's Five-Year Master Facilities Plan website. |
Hillary Flynn | 12/5/2023 |
School District Five of Lexington and Richland Counties has received your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for information that pertains to book challenges in School District Five. All of the requested information can be found on School District Five's website under the Challenged Materials tab. Please let me know if you need anything further. | |||
Karena Phelps | 12/14/2023 |
Fees charged by the Lexington-Richland 5 School District to fill any FOIA request made by the Post and Courier/Ian Grenier and M. Alan Thomas II in regards to the book challenge a Court of Mist and Fury |
School District Five did not provide any documents to Mr. Grenier or Mr. Thomas in response to their requests. Instead, we directed them to the district's website for more information. As a result, no fees were charged. |
Steve Nuzum | 12/18/2023 |
Records relating to book challenges and removals in the district, including any challenge forms and a list of books which have been challenged |
This document can be found on School District Five's website, under the Challenged Materials tab. | |||
Brian Gambrell | 12/19/2023 | Approved athletics department budget for the following academic years: 2018-2019, 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023, and 2022-2024 |
Fiscal Year FY22 - Salaries $2,001,853, Benefits $467,023, Other $389,672, Total = $2,855,547. FY23 - Salaries 1,988,989, Benefits $606,384, Other $375,000, Total = 2,970,373. FY24 - Salaries $1,902,003, Benefits 691,748, Other $375,000, Total = 2,968,751. FY22-24, School District Five used position budgeting and was able to pull out the athletic salaries and supplements from the pupil activity budgets. This is not available prior to FY22. |
Jason Sanders | 12/20/2023 |
Air Force Agreement signed by LexRich5 School District and Air Force JROTC | |
January 2024 - June 2024
Name of Requestor |
Date Completed |
Item Requested |
Documents |
Bristow Marchant | 1/5/2024 |
Any and all emails from school board members related to the English department at Chapin High School during the 2023 calendar year |
Ian Grenier | 1/11/2024 |
All bills, purchase orders, receipts and spending records associated with the District Five Board of Trustees' September 15, 2023 board retreat, or other board activities that day, at the Saluda Shoals Park/River Center | |
Melissa Rabon | 1/12/2024 |
A complete list of names, addresses and email addresses of all your parents and guardians with children enrolled in the district in kindergarten through fifth grade for the 2023/2024 school year |
School District Five is generally prohibited from releasing personally identifiable information about students pursuant to a federal law known as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act ("FERPA"), without the consent of their parents. District policy JRA/JRA-R (Student Records), clarifies the District’s procedures in this regard by stating, "The district cannot release school records to any person or agency (employer, government agency, etc.) without the written consent of a student's parent."
Mary Wood | 2/1/2024 |
Any and all electronic and written correspondence between district employees, the superintendent, community members, and school board members regarding any issues, including personnel issues, pertaining to Mary Wood as a teacher in District 5 and as a community member, beginning in January 2023 to the present date | |
Jennifer Rice | 2/13/2024 |
Breakdown of choice students (kids zoned for Chapin or Dutch Fork) broken down by grade level at Irmo High School Number of McKinney Vento students broken down by grade level | |
Michael Bishop | 2/22/2024 |
The challenge form for “The Curse of King Tut’s Tomb” by Michael Burgan |
Please be advised that this information can be found on School District Five's Challenged Materials website. |
Jack Knocke | 3/13/2024 | List of vendors engaged in rendering services and supplies to Lexington-Richland School District Five | |
Joel Shroades | 3/26/2024 |
Current contract in place between the school system and the vendor ESS (Education Management & Staffing Solution) | |
Chris Harris | 3/26/2024 |
School District Five's employment contract with Matthew Wood | |
Zak Koeske | 4/24/2024 |
Documents sufficient to show all long-term substitute teachers used by the district, the number of days each has worked and their school and course/classroom assignments for the 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-23 and 2023-24 school years Documents sufficient to show the annual amount spent on long-term substitute teachers for the 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-23 and 2023-24 school years Documents sufficient to show the annual amount spent on virtual instruction for the 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-23 and 2023-24 school years Documents sufficient to show the total enrollment and unique number of students enrolled in virtual classes, broken down by grade level and course title, for the 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-23 and 2023-24 school years Any and all vendor contracts with companies that provide teacher staffing Any and all vendor contracts with companies that provide virtual instruction | |
Scott Spencer | 5/14/2024 |
All documents and communication, including but not limited to, emails from or to any staff member in the Superintendent's Office, Human Resources Office, Office of Finance, school board members or employees of Evergreen Solutions, LLC related to the district salary study contracted with Evergreen Solutions, LLC from January 1, 2022 until today |
Salary Student Documents |
Stefen Ohlsson | 5/15/2024 |
Incident reports involving injuries occurring at Irmo Middle School and Irmo High School for the time frame of 01/01/2023 to 04/18/2024 |
Please be advised that School District Five does not currently possess any documents responsive to this request. Incident reports for these schools are maintained by the Lexington County Sheriff's Department. |
James Reese | 5/20/2024 |
Dutch Fork JROTC account balance and transactions | |
Stephanie Means | 5/22/2024 |
Proposal documents and scoring notes from the recently awarded Professional Development & Training for K-12 Educators, Solicitation # 2024-027 |
PD FOIA Documents |
Grady Martin | 5/29/2024 |
All emails, text, chat messages, meeting notes and any other communication by District Staff, specifically Akil Ross regarding: 1. The rezoning of Ballentine Elementary 2. Grandfathering of Students as Part of Rezoning 3. February 7th meeting at BES 4. Adjustment to boundaries for BES, specifically for the Marina Road area. 5. Preferred School Choice |
BES FOIA Documents |
Alicia Hilton | 6/3/2024 |
District Five of Lexington & Richland Counties - Kitchen Hood Cleaning - award amount for the last contract | |
Naz Senaldi | 6/3/2024 |
Previous contract amount for IFB #2024-032 kitchen hood cleaning | |
Doris Sanders | 6/10/2024 |
Award amount of the last contract for Kitchen Hood Cleaning Service for District Five of Lexington and Richland Counties Solicitation # 2024-032 | |
Bristow Marchant | 6/18/2024 | A list of any properties School District 5 currently owns that are slated for future development. |
School District Five does not currently own any property that is slated for future new development. There are school improvement projects, such as new wings and renovations, in the District's 5-Year Fix & Fill Plan that will take place on currently-owned property. |
Name of Requestor |
Date Completed |
Item Requested |
Documents |
Lou Bezjak |
7-7-2022 |
"The State (Columbia) and Herald (Rock Hill) newspapers are putting together a database of high school football coaching salaries across the state of South Carolina. We request through the Freedom of Information Act the name of the varsity football head coach and their total annual compensation (salary plus any supplements) for the high school(s) in your district. FOIA requires the release of exact salaries for public employees who make $50,000 or more. If you have a head coach who makes below that, the salary range for the position must be released and stated in $4,000 ranges. We are requesting this data be provided digitally and without requiring paper or printing of any kind on your part. The information can be sent to us via email or an emailed attachment such as a PDF. This information will be used to inform the public and as such we request any fees be waived. If there are fees, please alert me before proceeding." |
Please see below the information you requested: DFHS - Tom Knotts - Athletic Director/Varsity Head Football Coach: Salary = $116,542 IHS - Aaron Brand - Varsity Head Football Coach: Salary =$ 107,619 Assistant Athletic Director supplement = $3,400 CHS - Justin Gentry - Varsity Head Football Coach: Salary = $107,619 Assistant Athletic Director supplement = $4,000 |
Bristow Marchant |
7-13-2022 |
I'd like to receive a copy of a letter sent from attorney Andrea White to members of the Lexington-Richland 5 school board and Superintendent Akil Ross ending her legal representation of Lexington-Richland 5. This letter should be noted as not being an attorney-privileged communication. |
Bristow Marchant |
7-13-2022 |
The unredacted executive summary of the Jamarillo Accounting Group procurement audit from July 1, 2016, to June 30, 2021 |
Kim Murphy |
7-13-2022 |
Per SCFOIA, please provide me in electronic form the following documents: 1. Cropper GIS Contract approved June 27, 2022 2. All documents related to the Cropper GIS Contract including but not limited to scope of services, parameters and compensation; 3. Any and all communication for the 24-month period ending July 7, 2022 to/from Cropper GIS (including any of its agents, representatives and employees including Jerome McKibben) and Lexington-Richland District 5. |
Erin Werts |
7-14-2022 |
Lexington Richland School District Five’s current Elevator Maintenance Contract with billing breakdown and contract terms included |
Bruce McDade |
8-4-2022 |
Copy of page 1 of contract with LS3P ASSOCIATES, LTD FOR ARCHITECTURAL services at the Irmo High School East Wing replacement project |
Katie Harris |
8-8-2022 |
Pursuant to the S.C. Freedom of Information Act, please provide in electronic form, the following items: 1) the entire email thread of an email sent from to on August 21, 2020, including all forwarded emails and any attachments. |
Katie Harris |
8-8-2022 |
Pursuant to the S.C. Freedom of Information Act, please provide in electronic form, the following items: 1) the entire email thread of an email sent from to on August 21, 2020, including all forwarded emails and any attachments. |
Alicia Amandla |
8-8-2022 |
My name is Alicia Amandla with Girls Embracing Mothers (GEM), a nonprofit organization in Texas focused on empowering girls with mothers in prison to break the cycle of incarceration and lead successful lives with vision and purpose. GEM was established in 2013 by Brittany K. Barnett after experiencing the incarceration of her own mother. For the past 9 years, we have partnered with Texas women's prisons for monthly enhanced visitation between incarcerated women and their daughters. We also hold empowerment workshops and summer camps for women and girls impacted by maternal incarceration. GEM is currently working to expand our services to reach more children and we are reaching out to see if Lexington and Richland County School District tracks the number of students in the district with incarcerated parents. Do you know if Lexington and Richland County Schools tracks this information? If so, please provide us with the number of children in grades K-12 (broken down by grade if possible) with an incarcerated parent for the 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 academic school years. If not, do you know of any agencies who do track this information? Thank you in advance for your time and consideration. Thank you, Alicia Amandla |
Please be advised that School District Five does not currently possess any documents responsive to this request. We are not aware of any department in our district that tracks this data. |
Michael Bishop |
8-11-2022 |
Please provide me with the number of teachers, support staff and administration at all schools who have quit, resigned, retired, or refused a contract for the 22/23 school year since 10/15/2021 through the date of this request.
Please provide me with the number of staff and administration at the DO who have quit, resigned, retired, or refused a contract for the 22/23 school year since 10/15/2021 through the date of this request. |
Adult Education - 3 Academy for Success - 4 Ballentine Elementary - 9 Chapin Elementary - 14.8 Chapin High - 14 Chapin Intermediate - 4 Chapin Middle - 10 Center for Advanced Technical Studies - 2 CrossRoads Intermediate - 15 Dutch Fork Elementary - 13 Dutch Fork High - 16 Dutch Fork Middle - 16 FIVE - 11 H.E. Corley - 13 Harbison West Elementary - 13 Irmo Elementary - 10 Irmo Middle - 22 Irmo High School - 26 Leaphart Elementary - 6 Lake Murray Elementary - 8.86 Nursery Road Elementary - 7 Oak Pointe Elementary - 8 Piney Woods Elementary - 7 River Springs Elementary - 10 Spring Hill High - 17.5 Seven Oaks Elementary - 15 District Office - 27 |
Bruce McDade |
8-15-2022 |
Copy of invoice from LS3P Architects that was paid by CK# 277333 dated 6/16/22 |
Michael Bishop |
8-15-2022 |
I request copies of the complete bid packages for all bids submitted for the recent solicitation of "Armed Security Guard Services". I also request a list of which schools will have an "Armed Security Guard" and not a law enforcement SRO. |
Please find attached the responsive documents pursuant to your request. Also, the private armed security personnel will be at the following locations until a replacement is provided by the Lexington County Sheriff's Office: Chapin Elementary School Leaphart Elementary School Nursery Road Elementary School Piney Woods Elementary School Seven Oaks Elementary School
Lisa Newman |
8-19-2022 |
The line by line bid tabulation for the last time bid #2023-013 was awarded |
Michael Bishop |
8/19/2022 |
On 10/28/2021 the District paid Dr. Angela Bain $7,125.00. Please provide me with a copy of the detailed invoice submitted by Dr. Bain for this payment and any work product or report that resulted from said payment.
In addition, please provide me with information regarding any payments to Dr. Bain after 10/28/2021 up to the date of this request and any work product resulting from those payments. |
Todd Grosh |
8/23/2022 |
All materials, power points, videos, handouts or anything else presented to students for Comprehensive Sex Education |
In compliance with state procedures which require school districts to post the title and publisher of all health education materials it has approved, adopted and used in the classroom for which funding was allocated by the SCDE, the information you have requested can be found on the School District Five website under Instructional Programs by clicking the following link: Instructional Programs: Health. |
Celise Zbytovsky |
8/25/2022 |
Annual reviews of procedural rules regarding accommodations of transgender students and adjustments made to procedures based on needs of schools and students |
Kevin Scully |
8/25/2022 |
The title and position description for which Dr. Corey Willimon will be working for the district during the 2022-2023 academic school year |
Please be advised that School District Five does not currently possess any documents responsive to this request. Dr. Willimon is not currently employed with School District Five. |
Candice Lively |
8/29/2022 |
I want the term of employment for Scott Billy McLeod with Chapin High School. His employment as a teacher at the school and then his employment period as the varsity baseball coach. What is his current status as the Chapin High School Varsity baseball coach? |
In response to your request, Coach Scott McLeod's term of employment with School District Five is the following:
Employed as a teacher from August 1, 1987 - June 21, 2021
Employed as head baseball coach since 1994
Employed in other coaching roles of JV Wrestling head coach and football varsity assistant since 1987 |
Thomas Grant |
8/29/2022 |
Information pertaining to any investigation into complaints regarding Chapin head baseball coach Scott McLeod or documents related to any allegations made against him
Any conversations with Coach McLeod or any disciplinary action taken against him
The confidential and private nature of the employment records at issue is generally recognized under the FOIA in SC Code Ann. §30-4-70(a)(1), which provides for confidential discussion of employment matters. Additionally, §30-4-40(a)(2) exempts from disclosure records of a personal nature where public disclosure thereof would constitute unreasonable invasion of personal privacy. Records containing confidential student information are also exempt from release under FOIA based on the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 20 U.S.C. §1232g. For these reasons, School District Five has no records responsive to your request that are not otherwise exempt from disclosure pursuant to state and federal law, including SC Code §§30-4-40(a)(2) and (4). However, we want to make it clear that when School District Five receives a complaint about any employee, District administration reviews the concerns, investigates them, and addresses the concerns as appropriate. |
Todd Grosh |
8/30/2022 |
A list of all associations/organizations Lexington Richland 5 is a member of/ donated to; to include the SCSBA. Please provide fees paid to the associations/organizations |
Mandy Collins |
9/6/2022 |
A list of Culturally Relevant and/or Culturally Responsive Character Education programs being implemented in Lexington Richland 5 schools. Please provide the names, summaries, materials, power points, surveys given to students, handouts in the subject matter of the education programs. Also please provide names and summary of any potential future culturally responsive/relevant character education programs to be used in Lexington Richland 5. Beginning in 2019 thru 2023. |
Please be advised that School District Five does not currently possess any documents responsive to this request. Please accept this as our final determination and response regarding your request. School District Five makes every good-faith effort to identify and provide all documents pursuant to FOIA requests. |
Neal Lourie |
9/8/2022 |
Any and all videos, videos from camera footage maintained by the schools or located on school grounds, traffic camera videos, recordings, dashcam videos from responding officer AD Anthony, and any and all reports or documents from Irmo Middle School and/or Irmo High School regarding the accident on August 16, 2022, at approximately 3:30 p.m. involving Matthew Carson and Kimberly Greene on Westcott Road |
Please be advised that School District Five does not currently possess any documents responsive to this request. Please accept this as our final determination and response regarding your request. School District Five makes every good-faith effort to identify and provide all documents pursuant to FOIA requests. |
Jessica Wright |
9/8/2022 |
Any communication to/from any district employee or administration in regards to the recent proposed changes in to Title IX Regulations by the US Department of Education |
Please be advised that School District Five does not currently possess any documents responsive to this request. Please accept this as our final determination and response regarding your request. School District Five makes every good-faith effort to identify and provide all documents pursuant to FOIA requests. |
Kole Turpin |
9/12/2022 |
Number of Purchase Orders issued in FY2022
Number of Invoices processed in FY2022
Number of Purchase Orders issued in FY2022 = 16,117
Number of Invoices processed in FY2022 = 22,197 |
Bruce McDade |
9/12/2022 |
A list of all checks written between 7.1.22 thru 7.20.22 showing date, check #, payee, description and amount |
The documents you have requested are available on School District Five's website under its Transparency Reports.
Jessica Wright |
9/23/2022 |
SC Department of Education approved selection aides for library books used in Lexington Richland 5
Any emails or communication from/to any library associations from/to any district employee (to include school board trustees) on the subject matter of removal/ banning of books in public school libraries
Any emails or communication from/to any school board trustee from/to any member of the SC Executive Administration (Governor’s office) on the subject matter of removal/ banning of books in public school libraries |
Approved Selection Aides (Bullet #1):
SC Standards for School Library Collections - Important to note that this was published in 2012. Our Librarians use the SC State Adopted Standards to aid in their selections, not Common Core, which is what is printed in this SCDOE Library Standards document.
Read to Succeed Updates for Library Media Specialists
Resources for School Librarians
Model Policy for Library/Media Center Materials and Reconsideration Process ( -This model policy was provided by SCDOE and used as a reference for the D5 School Board's creation of the D5 Policy KEC Library/Media Center Materials Selection and Reconsideration Process.
Library Association Emails (Bullet #2):
Tobin Walter |
9/28/2022 |
Benefits Enrollment Services #2021-037 RFP Responses |
Alyssa Davis |
9/28/2022 |
The number of teachers/instructors/staff that have left their position at Crossroads Intermediate School since 8/16/2022 and the reason they ended their employment |
One staff member has left their position at Crossroads Intermediate School since 8/16/2022. We cannot disclose the reason as that is confidential personnel information.
Please accept this as our final determination and response regarding your request. School District Five makes every good-faith effort to identify and provide all documents pursuant to FOIA requests. |
Mandy Collins |
10/6/2022 |
Please provide any employee climate surveys and results beginning in 2020. Please provide any professional development implemented based on survey results. |
Jason Valek |
10/7/2022 |
All of Mike Satterfield’s personnel records including his salary in each position and board approval for position changes during his tenure with Lexington Richland School District 5 |
Jessica Wright |
10/7/2022 |
When the SEL/Culturally Responsive Teaching program Character Strong was implemented and in what schools it was implemented in.
If the program is still in use or the end date. |
Pursuant to this request, please be advised that Character Strong was implemented at Chapin Middle School at the start of the 2021 - 2022 school year. It ended during the first quarter of the same year and is no longer in use. |
Michael Bishop |
10/7/2022 |
1. How much money was spent on the IHS "Nest" Program during the 2021/22 school year?
2. How much money is budgeted / allocated to the "Nest" Program for 2022/23? Please include all costs including, but not limited to, staffing, supplies, support, facilities, and any other costs. Please include all sources, local, state, and federal.
3. How many students are currently enrolled full time in the "Nest" Program? How many part-time?
4. How much money is budgeted / allocated to the Alternative Academy for 2022/23? Please include all costs including, but not limited to, staffing, supplies, support, facilities, and any other costs. Please include all sources, local, state, and federal.
5. How many students are currently enrolled at the Alternative Academy?
6. What is the current per pupil funding calculation for District Five from the State of SC?
1. How much money was spent on the IHS "Nest" Program during the 2021/22 school year? $139,779.20
2. How much money is budgeted / allocated to the "Nest" Program for 2022/23? Please include all costs including, but not limited to, staffing, supplies, support, facilities, and any other costs. Please include all sources, local, state, and federal. $1,346,760 - funded by general fund balance
3. How many students are currently enrolled full time in the "Nest" Program? How many part-time? Irmo Middle School has 19 students enrolled in its Nest, with 5 more expected to start soon. Irmo High School does not currently have any students enrolled in its Nest. Their program will begin with the second nine weeks.
4. How much money is budgeted / allocated to the Alternative Academy for 2022/23? Please include all costs including, but not limited to, staffing, supplies, support, facilities, and any other costs. Please include all sources, local, state, and federal. $1,890,090
5. How many students are currently enrolled at the Alternative Academy? 38 students are enrolled at the Academy for Success.
6. What is the current per pupil funding calculation for District Five from the State of SC? $17,629 - This is based on our 135 day ADM from FY22 and FY22 unaudited revenue. |
Bristow Marchant |
10/10/2022 |
Unredacted copy of the Sept. 19, 2022, Jaramillo Accounting Group audit report entitled "Procurement Examination and Consulting Phase II Report" |
School District Five does possess the requested document. However, School District Five is unable to lift the redactions because to do so would violate FOIA §30-4-40(a)(2), which exempts from release "Information of a personal nature where the public disclosure thereof would constitute unreasonable invasion of personal privacy." |
Robert Cox |
10/12/2022 |
1. The number of teaching positions in LR5 that are currently being filled with persons employed through a temporary service provider. For example, any positions not employed directly by the LR5 school district for the 2022/2023 school year. Please provide this information by school.
2. The number of non-teaching positions, which includes any staff/administrative staff members who are employed through a temporary service provider. For example, any positions not employed directly by the LR5 school district for the 2022/2023 school year. Please provide this information by school.
3. The number of teaching positions that are filled by uncertified teachers by the State of S.C., or by those who haven’t completed their certification. Please provide this information by school. |
1. 10 (CRIS- 2, IHS- 4, NRES- 1, CMS- 1, FIVE- 1, IMS- 1
2. 0
3. 6 (CRIS-1, IHS- 3, PWES-1, SOES-1) |
Jason Valek |
10/14/2022 |
Any and all electronic correspondence from Josh/Joshua Gray to LR5 Admin, Leadership and BOT members from June 1, 2022 to present date |
Jason Valek |
10/24/2022 |
All communication between former Superintendent Herbert Berg, the Human Resource Director & Department at the time, Mike Satterfield and any communications concerning Mike Satterfield from January 1, 2008 - August 31, 2010 |
Please be advised that School District Five does not currently possess any documents responsive to this request. |
Michael Bishop |
10/24/2022 |
Per the Settlement Agreement signed by the Board with Dr. Melton the 2nd paragraph notes that the agreement is executed in accordance with provision 11(a) of Dr. Melton's contract.
According to Section 11 of Dr. Melton's contract "Termination" included 5 clauses (a-e). However, only clause d "unilateral termination" provides for any payment to the superintendent upon termination.
Since clause a, the clause cited in the settlement agreement, does not provide for any payment please provide me with the statutory authority or policy that allows the board to modify a contract to allow for such a payment. Please provide me with the date and time of the discussion and vote to modify the contract. Also, please provide me with the calculation the board used to arrive at a payment of $226,368.00 for Dr. Melton. |
Please be advised that School District Five of Lexington and Richland Counties does not currently possess any documents responsive to this FOIA request. As you are aware, the FOIA does not require a public entity to answer questions or provide calculations. |
Patty Johnson |
11/1/2022 |
Bid tabulations showing all the vendors who responded and their pricing for: |
Jayla Eskew |
11/1/2022 |
Video footage of big gym/arena at Dutch Fork High School on 6/29/22 between 11:30-11:35am |
Please be advised that School District Five does not currently possess any documents responsive to this request. The District's video footage is not available after thirty (30) days, unless it is preserved before that time expires. |
Tyler Tucker |
11/1/2022 |
A copy of the pay classification, pay scales, starting salary and current salary including years of prior experience for all exploratory teachers for middle and high school grade levels |
Bristow Marchant |
11/7/2022 |
Any and all costs incurred by the Lexington-Richland 5 school district as a part of the lawsuit against Stephen Hefner, Case No. 2021-CP-32-03699 |
As of September 30, 2022, School District Five has spent $8,976.58 on this case. |
Michael Bishop |
11/8/2022 |
I request that the district provide clarification on the statement Ms. Hammond read before the recent public participation at the Sept 26 board meeting.
Policy BEDH was recently revised by the Board and does not contain much of the language Ms. Hammond read. Specifically the language that was contained in BEDH that prohibited personal attacks on board members, staff, and the public does not appear in the new version.
I request that the district provide me with the policy document that contains all the "rules" as read by Ms. Hammond at the last board meeting prior to public participation. If no such policy document exists for all the rules, I request the district provide me with the policy, regulation, or statute that allows for ad hoc rules to be enforced during public participation at board meetings. |
Jessica Wright |
11/8/2022 |
Any communication from the Governors office (to include Melanie Barton) to any employees, personnel, or administration in LexRich5 regarding removing/banning library books that are obscene/explicit |
Jessica Wright |
11/8/2022 |
Please provide any communication from the Governors office (to include Melanie Barton) to any employees, personnel, or administration in LexRich5 regarding removing/banning library books that are obscene/explicit. |
Laurene Mensch |
11/11/2022 |
All Citizen Requests for Review of Education Materials that have been submitted to the book review committee for the 2021-2022 school year and the 2022-2023 school year to date, or since the inception of the committee, whichever came first
All responses by the committee to these requests |
This document can be found on School District Five's website, under the Challenged Materials tab. |
Laurene Mensch |
11/11/2022 |
The names and positions of all book review committee members, as well as the schedule and location of all meetings, past and upcoming |
Information about the Review Committee members has been posted to School District Five's website. Also the Review Committee met on October 31, 2022, and November 9, 2022, at the District Office to discuss the challenge to Black is a Rainbow Color. No further meetings are scheduled. |
Winston Rogers |
11/11/2022 |
Formal Book Challenge of the book "Black is a Rainbow Color" by Angela Joy, the document stating why the book was challenged |
This document can be found on School District Five's website, under the Challenged Materials tab. |
Hunter Hurt |
12/2/2022 |
A copy of the current district-wide elevator maintenance contract that includes contract term, expiration date, pricing and list of units, including any addendums or riders that have been executed as part of the existing contract |
Michael Bishop |
12/2/2022 |
Copy of letter and attachments authored by Contract Construction's attorney William McGee referenced in The State Newspaper |
Billy McGee |
12/2/2022 |
Request for documents related to the JAG procurement audit and Piney Woods Elementary School |
Rich Penner |
12/13/2022 |
CMTA's RFQ response, RFP response, and final contract copy between CMTA and Lexington District 5 for RFQ #2021-036 |
Bristow Marchant |
1/10/2023 |
Copies of all records (applications, emails and other correspondence) regarding any grants that JROTC programs have received from the NRA or its affiliates since January 2020. |
Please be advised that School District Five does not currently possess any documents responsive to this request. |
Ian Greiner |
2/13/2023 |
I am requesting a copy of the draft agreement between Lexington-Richland 5 and the Town of Chapin regarding the old Chapin High School. |
FOIA §30-4-40(a)(5) exempts from disclosure "documents of and documents incidental to proposed contractual arrangements." As a result, School District Five will not be able to provide the requested information. Once the contract is executed, it can then be made available for disclosure |
Michael Bishop |
3/3/2023 |
Letter from Charles McDonald (Belser & Belser) to Board Chair Jan Hammond dated October 5, 2022 |
Beth Hutchison |
3/8/2023 |
"I request all original request for payment or invoices from Jaramillo Accounting Group LLC (JAG) in whatever form they were submitted. 1. Copies of all contracts between JAG or any of their employees and the District Five School District or the Board as of March 1, 2023. 2. Copies of all school board meeting minutes where votes were taken by the school board to approve contracts or payments to JAG and any votes that were taken to approve payments for additional work by JAG not specified in any contracts. 3. The total amount of money the District has paid JAG as of the date this FOIA response is prepared. 4. The total amount of money the District owes JAG for outstanding invoices as of the date this FOIA response is prepared. 5. The anticipated charges for work completed by but not yet invoiced. Most likely this would be work completed per the contract but perhaps not the add-on work. 6. Itemized billing charges to include all invoices JAG has submitted as per their contract to the district as of the date this FOIA response is prepared. Please note I am asking for the original invoices from JAG with original signatures. 7. Please provide me with all invoices from JAG for services not specified in any contract with the district. Please include any charges that may be add-ons such as hourly billing, travel, per diem, phone calls, preparation and testimony at the SC Ethics Hearing for Ken Loveless in Feb 2023 and the Steve Hefner Lawsuit. I am looking for detailed invoices that provide the details of the charges and/or other invoices JAG submits. 8. Please also provide me with any documentation regarding any agreements or authorizations to pay JAG for any trial preparation and testimony for the Ken Loveless ethics hearing or the Steve Hefner lawsuit." |
3. $142,150.00
4. $19,313.50
5. Unsure, but potentially another $20,000 for the FY 17-21 procurement audit and $15,000 from FY22 Procurement Audit.
6. All invoices attached. Last invoice has itemized estimates.
7. N/A, all invoices shown above.
8. N/A, all invoices shown above. |
Ken Loveless |
3/15/2023 |
The Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Architect between Owner, School District Five of Lexington and Richland Counties and Architect, Quackenbush Architects + Planners Limited Liability Company for New Elementary School # 13 (a.k.a. Piney Woods Elementary School)
Amendment 1 (Sitework Guaranteed Maximum Price Amendment) to the Agreement dated December 19, 2018 between the Owner, School District Five of Lexington and Richland Counties and the Construction Manager, Contract Construction, Inc. for the New Elementary School #13 (a.k.a. Piney Woods Elementary School)
Amendment 2 (Building Guaranteed Maximum Price Amendment) to the Agreement dated December 19, 2018 between the Owner, School District Five of Lexington and Richland Counties and the Construction Manager, Contract Construction, Inc. for the New Elementary School #13 (a.k.a. Piney Woods Elementary School) |
Sarah Thomas |
3/24/2023 |
Renewal documents pertaining to Pizza Program bid #2022-012 |
Please be advised that School District Five does not currently possess any documents responsive to this request. The contract automatically renewed with no increases. |
Ian Grenier |
4/24/2023 |
Emails or other communications dating from Jan. 1, 2021 to Feb. 28, 2023 between any current or former members of the District Five board of trustees and any current or former employee of Jaramillo Accounting Group, including messages where one party was CC'd. This request also seeks any communication, in the same timeframe, between any Jaramillo Accounting Group employee and district officials Superintendent Akil Ross, CFO Maddison Paul, Executive Director of Operations Dave A. Weissman, Coordinator of Purchasing Lynda Robinson and/or Director of Communications Amanda Taylor. |
As explained to you previously, School District Five completed the same FOIA request for another requestor for the time period ending November 14, 2022. As a result, for your request, we have brought the information current since November 14, 2022. Below is a link to the responsive documents.
Faith Hill |
4/26/2023 |
I am writing to formally request any shapefiles for the county commissioner/supervisor districts that were redistricted using data from the 2020 census. If the files are available somewhere online, that would be helpful as well. If you need anything additional (such as a completed open records request form) in order to provide this information, please let me know at your earliest convenience. |
Please be advised that School District Five does not currently possess any documents responsive to this request. School District Five has not redistricted or otherwise changed attendance lines based on data from the 2020 census. |
Kim Brown |
5/16/2023 |
I would like to request all financial documents related to the Irmo Cheer program from 2017-2023, to include all expenditures and fundraising. |
Bristow Marchant |
5/16/2023 |
The presentation made by Superintendent Akil Ross to Dutch Fork Middle School during the week of May 1, including any references to student disciplinary issues |
The Lexington County Chronicle also ran a story on this topic in its May 4, 2023, issue.
Desa Ballard/Ken Loveless |
null |
All emails stored in the District Server which contain as a sender or recipient (including cc, bcc or other method of transmission) |
(completed 10/12/2023) |
Bruce McDade |
5/30/2023 |
Vendor invoice history for Yale University from 7/1/21 thru 5/13/2023 |
Jason Puckett |
5/30/2023 |
Quotes received for weight room equipment (racks, benches, crossmember, custom logo, dumbbells, dumbbell rack...) for Spring Hill High School |
Allen Taylor |
5/30/2023 |
Powerpoint presentations from the 5/22/2023 school board meeting |
Presentations from all board meetings are stored on the Board Meeting Information tab of the district's website. |
Bruce McDade |
6/5/2023 |
Vendor invoice history for Law Office of Montrio Belton LLC from November 2021 thru April 2023 |
Bruce McDade |
6/7/2023 |
Real estate closing statement for the land the District purchased on 12/14/22 located at 6040 Wescott Rd Columbia, SC 29212 and a copy of any checks used to purchase the property. |
Katie Harris |
6/8/2023 |
Any emails sent from any District 5 teachers to any District 5 Board Member(s) during the timeframe of April 19, 2023 to April 26, 2023, including all forwarded emails and any attachments |
Michael Bishop |
6/8/2023 |
Any information in its possession regarding the initial parent(s) complaint for this book Any communication from or to Chapin HS leadership or staff, the DO (including the superintendent), and the board regarding this issue The title and author of the book in question Confirmation from the District regarding the disposition of this book - is it allowed to be taught in the classroom? Is the teacher at Chapin HS allowed to use this book in the classroom? |
Alexa Jurado |
6/20/2023 |
Number of student infractions and expulsions for the last five academic years |
Students Recommended for Expulsion (Discipline Hearing) 2018-2019: 292 2019-2020: 266 (face to face ended in March due to COVID) 2020-2021: 151 (hybrid year) 2021-2022: 463 2022-2023: 478 |
Mary Wood |
6/29/2023 |
Any and all communications regarding myself (Mary Wood) and my classes, specifically AP Lang, at Chapin High School for the dates beginning February 1, 2023 until present time. I request communications between district staff, including administration, the superintendent, directors, and all board members |
Tony Santaella |
6/29/2023 |
All emails, lesson plans, and correspondence related to the use of the book "Between the World and Me" in a class run by Mary Wood at Chapin High School Any and all documents which she would have provided to explain the need for the inclusion of the material in class, and any email or other communications she would have had with the school or county administration about the coursework |
In response to your request, please see School District Five's website for generally responsive records. |
Kim Murphy |
6/29/2023 |
Reports showing by school the number of students attending each school who reside outside the school's attendance zone (by grade if possible); their classification (affidavit, hardship, teacher/employee students, school of choice, magnet, tuition, Title 1, special education, building contract, enrollment freeze); and the school or district for which the students are zoned |
Kim Murphy |
6/29/2023 |
Fully executed contract for McMillan Pazdan Smith for Facility Needs Assessment and related work solicited in #2023-0262 including scope of work; parameters for enrollment study, growth projections and rezoning; direction in determining the various capacities including core, classroom, functional and as used capacities; and amendments and addenda, if any
All communications between District 5 and/or District 5’s representatives and McMillan Pazdan Smith and/or their representatives |
2021-2022 Part 1
Name of Requestor |
Date Completed |
Item Requested |
Documents |
Kim Murphy |
7/7/2021 |
Per SCFOIA, please provide me with the following:
1. Unauthorized procurements referenced in the procurement examination by Burkett, Burkett & Burkett for the period dated July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2020: a. Any document or report indicating the amount of each unauthorized procurement; b. Any document or report indicating the date of each unauthorized procurement; c. Any document or report indicating the reason each authorized procurement is classified as an unauthorized procurement; d. Any document or report indicating the name of the employee responsible for the unauthorized procurement; e. Any document or report that indicates how the unauthorized procurement was addressed and/or authorized: 2. Documents or reports indicating emergency procurements, their determinations and findings, and related purchase orders or vouches referenced in the procurement examination by Burkett, Burkett & Burkett for the period dated July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2020. |
Bill Duncan - Pierce Group Benefits |
7/27/2021 |
I would like to request a paper or electronic copy of all bid responses from the vendors for RFP# 2021-037 issued June 11, 2021 for Benefit Enrollment Services. Also any additional information or communication between any employee of Lex-Rich 5 and anyone at HUB International.
I am requesting all scores/tally sheets used for the Evaluation Process from each evaluator and the total of the score sheets.
I would like to request the names of the Lex-Rich 5 members that evaluated this service and the vote of each member please.
Within the past three years, how many employees have transferred from the following districts into Lex-Rich 5 - Lexington Districts 2,3,& 4 and Richland Districts 1 & 2? |
Kim Murphy |
8/26/2021 |
Per SCFOIA, please provide me with the following from the August 23, 2021 Board Meeting:
Presentations from Compass Municipal Advisors and First Tryon Advisors
List of Outstanding debt that was distributed during the above presentations. |
Bruce McDade |
8/27/2021 |
I am requesting a copy of any emails sent to or from the District to or from the lexington County Auditors Office and the Richland County Auditors Office in 2016 and 2017 |
Bristow Marchant - The State |
8/30/2021 |
I would like a copy of the contract between Lexington-Richland 5 and Angela Bain consulting for structure and efficiency consulting approved at the July 12, 2021, school board meeting. |
Adam Benson |
8/31/2021 |
Can you send me the contract that was approved last night with Ms. Bain for consultation services? |
Kim Murphy |
9/7/2021 |
Per Section 30-4-30, please provide documents distributed to members of the Procurement Committee for the September 1, 2021 meeting at 4:30pm. Please include the documents with “highlights”, as referenced at the meeting. |
Heather Tucker |
9/8/2021 |
All scores for gifted and talented qualifying tests for every second grade student (regardless of whether or not they qualified for the gifted and talented program) at LMES and Chapin Elementary last school year (2020-2021). This should include but is not limited to MAP (Fall and Spring) and CogAT. |
Dear Ms. Tucker- We have received and reviewed your FOIA request for last year's MAP and CogAT scores for Chapin students. The District is generally prohibited from releasing personally identifiable information about students pursuant to a federal law known as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act ("FERPA"), without the consent of their parents. District policy JRA/JRA-R (Student Records), clarifies the District’s procedures in this regard by stating, "The district cannot release school records to any person or agency (employer, government agency, etc.) without the written consent of a student's parent." “Personally identifiable information” includes “other information that, alone or in combination, is linked or linkable to a specific student that would allow a reasonable person in the school community, who does not have personal knowledge of the relevant circumstances, to identify the student with reasonable certainty;” or “information requested by a person who the educational agency or institution reasonably believes knows the identity of the student to whom the education record relates.” See 34 CFR § 99.3. Additionally, the South Carolina Freedom of Information Act specifically excludes from disclosure “[i]nformation of a personal nature where the public disclosure thereof would constitute unreasonable invasion of personal privacy.” S.C. Code Ann. § 30-4-40(a)(2). Based on this information, we will not be able to fulfill this FOIA request. We appreciate your understanding in this matter. |
Michael Bishop |
9/8/2021 |
"Under the provision of the SC FOI Act I request copies of all invoices received by the district from White & Story LLC and/or Andrea White since Nov 1 2020. To be clear I am requesting the original detailed invoices summitted by the attorney that detail the work performed and the charges billed, not a spreadsheet indicating paid invoice amounts." |
Bruce McDade |
9/10/2021 |
I am requesting a copy of the last check paid to Contract Construction for payment for work done on Piney Woods Elementary School and a copy of page one of the pay estimate. |
Bruce McDade |
9/13/2021 |
I am requesting a copy of checks paid to White & Story,LLC for invoice # 1784 dated 6.30.21 for $15,501.38 due 7/16/21 and invoice # 1818 dated 7.31.21 for $ 9,882.00 due 8.17.21 |
Laurene Mensch |
9/21/2021 |
Please provide Dr. Akil Ross’ superintendent certification designation and his resume |
Bruce McDade |
9/28/2021 |
I am requesting a copy of the vendor invoice history for Contract Construction for work performed on Piney Woods Elementary School |
Bruce McDade |
9/30/2021 |
I am requesting a copy of the vendor invoice history of Field Turf USA . |
Adam Benson |
10/4/2021 |
All emails between Jan. 1, 2021 and June 14, 2021 between board members and former superintendent Christina Melton. |
Michael Bishop |
10/7/2021 |
I request the following information under the SC FOIA -
1. What was the total dollar value of millage for FY 20-21 in all funds (assuming 100% collections)? To be clear I would like the total dollar amount owed the district for the 73.3 mills assessed during that FY, assuming 100% collections in all funds for which millage is collected.
2. What is the current total dollar value of a D5 assessed mil?
3. What was the balance of the D5 reserve fund on 8-31-21, 8-31-20, and 8-31-19?
4. What is the new millage rate set by the board at the recent September 2021 meeting?
5. By what dollar amount will the board's new millage rate reduce projected total millage income for FY 21-22 assuming 100% collections when compared to the previous 73.3 rate? Was this fiscal impact, based on the rate approved by the board, provided to the board before the vote to reduce the rate?
6. If there are any approved plans which exist that detail how the board plans to deal with the reduced income, either by using federal dollars or cutting programs, supplies, personnel, or any other cuts I request such plans be provided along with the date of their approval. If the board currently has no approved plan for how they will deal with the reduce millage income I request that be verified. |
Tyler Tucker |
10/7/2021 |
I am requesting the prior and current salaries and pay band classifications as well as the District Pay Band chart for all employees earning over $80,000 per year as annual base salary. I am requesting this information for fiscal years 2019, 2020 and 2021. Thank you. |
Bruce McDade |
10/8/2021 |
I am requesting a copy of all emails sent to or from Marty Rawls to or from the lexington County Auditors Office between June1 ,2021 and September 15,2021 |
Michael Bishop |
10/14/2021 |
Please provide me with the number of teachers, support staff and administration at all schools who have quit, resigned, retired, or refused a contract for the 21/22 school year since Nov 4, 2020 through the date of this request.
Please provide me with the number of staff and administration at the DO who have quit, resigned, retired, or refused a contract for the 21/22 school year since November 4, 2020 through the date of this request. |
Answer #1 - 286
Answer #2 - 23 |
Todd Grosh |
10/14/2021 |
Any and all LexRich5 district and Non District communication related to the Chapin Homecoming Dance. |
Bristow Marchant |
10/19/2021 |
Any emails sent between school board members regarding the debarment of a vendor or ethics complaints, sent between Oct. 10 and Oct. 12, 2021 |
School District Five does have documents responsive to your request. However, they are designated as Attorney-Client Confidential communications and therefore exempt from disclosure pursuant to the FOIA Section 30-4-40(a)(7). Please accept this as our final determination and response regarding your request. |
Bruce McDade |
10/19/2021 |
Vendor invoice history of Dr. Angela Bain/ Angela Bain Consulting |
Please be advised that School District Five does not currently possess any documents responsive to this request. Please accept this as our final determination and response regarding your request. |
John Botto |
10/20/2021 |
Video from bus#5080860. Bus was in an collision with a truck from Pro Tow of Columbia on 9/29/2021 at approx. 08:30 AM on Weeping Cherry Lane in Irmo, SC |
Laurene Mensch |
10/21/2021 |
Please provide any email communication from any district board member or district employee to the Richland County Election Commission or to Alexandria Stephens, Director of Voter Registration and Elections between 6/14/21 and 10/1/21. |
Jason Valek |
10/25/2021 |
"School District 5 of Lexington & Richland Counties Requesting scores for the Chapin Cluster for all those whom are currently in the AGP program in the 3rd grade for Lake Murray, Chapin and Piney Woods Elementary Please make sure to remove all identifying markers as not to violate any Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act ("FERPA") Laws or District policy JRA/JRA-R (Student Records). Additionally, Include the number of students per each elementary currently enrolled in AGP for 3rd grade. A spreadsheet with scores and the corresponding test from which those scores came, will suffice." |
As we previously advised you by letter dated September 28, 2021, the District is generally prohibited from releasing personally identifiable information about students pursuant to a federal law known as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act ("FERPA"), without the consent of their parents. District policy JRA/JRA-R (Student Records), clarifies the District’s procedures in this regard. “Personally identifiable information” includes, among other things, “other information that, alone or in combination, is linked or linkable to a specific student that would allow a reasonable person in the school community, who does not have personal knowledge of the relevant circumstances, to identify the student with reasonable certainty;” or “information requested by a person who the educational agency or institution reasonably believes knows the identity of the student to whom the education record relates.” See 34 CFR § 99.3. Additionally, the South Carolina Freedom of Information Act specifically excludes from disclosure “[i]nformation of a personal nature where the public disclosure thereof would constitute unreasonable invasion of personal privacy.” S.C. Code Ann. § 30-4-40(a)(2). We advised you that subject to these exemptions under the FOIA, §§30-4-40(a)(2) and (4), the District would provide, within the time requirements provided for in FOIA, copies of records responsive to this request.
Subject to and without waiving these exemptions, we provide the following responsive information:
The table below provides data related to third grade students in the three Chapin schools who are currently in AGP classrooms as well as one metric that was used for placement in those classrooms. 41.1% of students in the schools' AGP classrooms are state-identified, and their scores are not included in the summary below as we are required to serve all state-identified students. Please be aware that multiple scores are considered for a non-state-identified student's placement. The data included in this summary only shows the range of the single highest scores that were used for the students' placement.
MAP Percentile (Reading or Math) Range of Scores = 90-97 CogAT Percentile (Verbal, Quantitative, Nonverbal, or Composite) Range of Scores = 91-97
In some cases, placement may come down to seat availability, and this can vary by school. As mentioned, we are required to serve all state-identified students. Locally and school-identified students may be placed in AGP classrooms if seats are available.
The following are the numbers of students served in AGP 3rd grade classes in the Chapin Cluster elementary schools: Lake Murray Elementary - 61 Chapin Elementary - 45 Piney Woods Elementary - 21
Please note, according to SC Regulation 43-220, Gifted and Talented (a copy of which is attached), a school is required to provide services for all state-identified academically gifted and talented students. Therefore, for AGP placement, schools first place all state-identified students and fill any remaining seats with locally identified students according to district criteria. For this reason, schools vary in the number of students served.
Schools in South Carolina are not mandated to serve students who are not state-identified as academically gifted and talented. District Five has established local criteria in order to serve a greater number of high-achieving students (a copy of which is attached).
With respect to the specific test scores regarding individual students in our District, that data cannot be provided for the reasons stated herein. If there is any specific information you would like regarding your own child, please schedule a meeting with your child’s principal for further review and discussion. Specific questions about AGP placement should be directed to Mrs. Virginia Tate, Coordinator of Gifted and Talented Programs.
Bonnie Stewart |
11-9-2021 |
Please note I am requesting documents that show the date of construction of the Harbison West Elementary School Buildings.
I am requesting the Grade Plans for the Property and the Survey of the property at the time the construction was begun and the Grade Plans at the time the construction was concluded and also a Survey if one was conducted when the construction was completed.
I am requesting a copy of the Plat for the Campus/property. I also need a copy of the Occupation Certificate where the School was approved for occupancy. The request herein are relative and all data should be easily gathered. Please contact me if you have questions. I can pick up a jump drive/smart stick with the requested data or printed copies, if printed copies they must be legible. |
Construction of Harbison West Elementary School was completed in 1980.
Kevin Scully |
11-15-2021 |
How many certified teaching positions:
1. are currently unfilled,
2. filled by staff who are not certified for the subject they are teaching and,
3. filled by uncertified staff or substitutes (both short and long-term)? |
How many certified teaching positions:
1. are currently unfilled - 13
2. filled by staff who are not certified for the subject they are teaching - 0
3. filled by uncertified staff or substitutes (both short and long-term) - 7 positions are filled by "CERTIFIED long-term subs"; There is no category of "short-term subs." Subs are either "daily" or "long-term". The number of "daily" subs is based on how many teachers are absent and require a sub on any given day. |
Brenda Peiffer |
11-16-2021 |
I would like to request the line item bid award tabulation for the Pizza Program (2022-012) bid, including awarded vendor and pricing for each line item. |
Michael Bishop |
11-16-2021 |
Under the provisions of the SC FOIA I request a copy of the contract that was signed for either a land swap or land purchase with the owners of Richland County Parcel R01600-07-02 - 1045 Mount Vernon Church Rd. I believe the owners at the time of this contract were DERRICK HOYT W & EARLINE A.
This was a contract the district executed to facilitate the development of the Derrick Pond Rd property for school development. It was previously shared as part of a board packet a number of years ago but I'm not sure which one. |
Kim Benson |
11-22-2021 |
A list of scheduled meetings between D5 Executives including the Superintendent and one or more D5 School Board Members, not including scheduled board meetings or scheduled committee meetings already publicly available which occurred in person, via scheduled phone call or electronically since July 1, 2021.
Interim Superintendent phone calls with Board of Trustees:
July 20, 2021 - Trustee Huddle August 6 2021 - Trustees Blackburn Hines and Hogan August 7, 2021 - Trustee Hogan August 21, 2021 - Trustee Huddle August 22, 2021 - Trustees Gardner, Hogan, and Huddle August 26, 2021 - Board Chair Hammond September 2, 2021 - Board Chair Hammond September 18, 2021 - Trustee Hogan |
Jason Valek |
11-22-2021 |
The use of Lex/Rich 5 District email between the dates of 8/1/2021 to present date concerning campaigning or campaign materials or any correspondence related to Tifani Moore, SC for Ed or other related organizations. |
Matthew Rosbrugh |
11-30-2021 |
All policies, procedures, manuals, memoranda, training documents, and all other information in the possession, custody and / or control of Lexington Richland District Five regarding employee email accounts. This request is intended to reach, but is not limited to, any responsive materials that address the fact that any email account issued or provided by the District may be reviewed by the District at any time for any reason. |
Most of School District Five's responsive information is contained in School Board Policy IJNDB, "Use of Technology Resources." That document is available on our website, but a link is below for your convenience.
Also, School District Five's current employee handbook contains some supplemental guidelines to the Board Policy. The relevant pages are attached. Please let us know if you have any difficulty opening the document.
Please accept this as our final determination and response regarding your request. School District Five makes every good-faith effort to identify and provide all documents pursuant to FOIA requests.
Jessica Wright
Kelly Fici
Todd Grosh
Brandy Seale
Preston Baines
Renee Kelly
Christa Sorrenti
Natalie Brown
Arthur Warren
Ernest Floyd
Lauren Carsten
Celise Zbytovsky
Tania Brower |
12-6-2021 |
Please provide Akil Ross's application for Permanent Superintendent for Lexington Richland 5 with all personal or protected information redacted to include the original posting to invite candidates to apply for this position. I also request the criteria used to determine the finalists for this position. |
Hillary Flynn |
12/13/2021 | opportunity to inspect or obtain copies of public records of any referral issued by schools in your district from August 1, 2021 to November 20, 2021. I am also requesting the records from referrals that occurred during the same period in the years 2020, 2019, and 2018.
I am requesting a quick description of the reason for each referral, the date the referral occurred, the consequences of each referral, if the situation was elevated, and what the situation was elevated to. I understand that students’ identities may need to be protected. If you cannot provide me with the students’ names, I would like them to be identified by numbers so I can see if one student was the subject of multiple referrals. |
Lexington-Richland School District Five is generally prohibited from releasing personally identifiable information about students pursuant to a federal law known as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act ("FERPA"), without the consent of their parents. This information would include student discipline records. School Board Policy JRA (Student Records) clarifies School District Five's procedures in this regard. “Personally identifiable information” includes “other information that, alone or in combination, is linked or linkable to a specific student that would allow a reasonable person in the school community, who does not have personal knowledge of the relevant circumstances, to identify the student with reasonable certainty;” or “information requested by a person who the educational agency or institution reasonably believes knows the identity of the student to whom the education record relates.” See 34 CFR § 99.3. The nature of your request would likely reveal information that could identify a student or students involved. Additionally, the South Carolina Freedom of Information Act specifically excludes from disclosure “[i]nformation of a personal nature where the public disclosure thereof would constitute unreasonable invasion of personal privacy.” S.C. Code Ann. § 30-4-40(a)(2). School District Five is also not obligated to create records that do not already exist in response to a FOIA request. For these reasons, School District Five is not able to provide the requested information based on exemptions under the FOIA, §§30-4-40(a)(2) and (4), including FERPA. |
2021-2022 Part 2
Kim Murhpy |
1/3/2022 |
On August 26, 2021, I received the response from my August 24, 2021 FOIA request for the Outstanding Debt (6/30/21) handout distributed by the District’s CFO to the Board at the August 23d Board meeting. However, when reviewing the outstanding debt for the 2010A QSCB’s noted on the CFO’s handout (pg 2 of this request) and the 2010A QSCB’s on PFM Financial Advisors’ presentation (pg 4 of this request), which was presented to the Board on October 11, 2021, the outstanding amounts differ. 1. CFO’s Handout: 2010A QSCB’s outstanding debt - $1,000,000 2. PFM’s Presentation: 2010A QSCB’s outstanding debt - $10,000,000 Is there a typographical error on the CFO’s handout? If not, since the 2010A Bonds are not callable before their maturity date of 6/1/27, please provide documentation of a sinking fund or other asset account holding the $9 million difference or other documentation explaining the discrepancy. |
Stephen Fastenau |
1/19/2022 |
Pursuant to the S.C. Freedom of Information Act, I request a copy of the district's employment contract with Superintendent Akil Ross. |
Brian Mallory |
1/20/2022 |
I am writing on behalf of Public Consulting Group LLC (PCG) to request copies of specific public documents pursuant to South Carolina Freedom of Information Act, §30-4-10 et seq. This record corresponds to the RFP # 2021-022 Medicaid Direct Billing Services. Description of the scope: School District Five of Lexington and Richland Counties is seeking competitive sealed proposals to contract for the exclusive provision of Medicaid reimbursement and billing services for Direct Billing. The successful contractor will be required to provide the District with a Medicaid Reimbursement and billing system that will maximize services rendered to Medicaid Eligible students, optimize revenue generated through delivery of those services, and increase the level of participation in the Medicaid Reimbursement Program. The contractor’s system must allow the District to completely surrender the billing process to the contractor, except forwarding claims to the contractor. The District will not be responsible for keying in claims. Reason for FOIA Request: This RFP was awarded to the current vendor; we would like to compare the awarded vendor's RFP response to our submitted RFP response. No information will be used for commercial solicitation. We are requesting the following document(s) outlined below: •Technical Proposal of the winning bid •Price Proposal of the winning bid According to our review of South Carolina Freedom of Information Act, §30-4-10 et seq., we believe that these documents are public and are prepared to reimburse or provide advance payment for any copying or mailing charges incurred by the District in complying with this request. Please forward the documents to: Brian Mallory, Sr. Program Manager Education Public Consulting Group LLC |
Melissa Rabon |
1/26/2022 |
A complete list of names, addresses and email addresses of all your parents and guardians with children enrolled in the district in first through seventh grade for the 2021/2022 school year. |
School District Five is generally prohibited from releasing personally identifiable information about students pursuant to a federal law known as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act ("FERPA"), without the consent of their parents. District policy JRA/JRA-R (Student Records), clarifies the District’s procedures in this regard by stating, "The district cannot release school records to any person or agency (employer, government agency, etc.) without the written consent of a student's parent." “Personally identifiable information” includes “other information that, alone or in combination, is linked or linkable to a specific student that would allow a reasonable person in the school community, who does not have personal knowledge of the relevant circumstances, to identify the student with reasonable certainty;” or “information requested by a person who the educational agency or institution reasonably believes knows the identity of the student to whom the education record relates.” See 34 CFR § 99.3. Additionally, the South Carolina Freedom of Information Act specifically excludes from disclosure “[i]nformation of a personal nature where the public disclosure thereof would constitute unreasonable invasion of personal privacy.” S.C. Code Ann. § 30-4-40(a)(2). Based on this information, we will not be able to fulfill this FOIA request. We appreciate your understanding in this matter. |
Lucas Daprile |
2/1/2022 |
I am reaching out to place a Freedom of Information Act to request copies of, or access to, records showing all formal challenges to library books filed since the beginning of the 2021-2022 school year. Please include original documentation of the challenge, the date the challenge was filed, the name of the book being challenged and whether the challenged book was removed from the district/school library. |
As of today, Lexington-Richland School District Five has not received any formal challenges to library books pursuant to Board Policy KEC (Public Concerns and Complaints About Instructional Resources) this academic year. As a result, School District Five does not have any documents responsive to your request. |
Michael Bishop |
2/9/2022 |
The list of contracts that the district relied on to come to the conclusion that the contract provision discussed below is consistent with other district's superintendent contracts. |
Any documents that School District Five may have that are responsive to this request are designated as Attorney-Client Confidential communications and/or Attorney-Client Work Product communications and are therefore exempt from disclosure pursuant to the FOIA Section 30-4-40(a)(7). Please accept this as our final determination and response regarding your request. |
Bruce McDade |
2/10/2022 |
I am requesting a copy of the Vendor Invoice History of Montrio Montess Belton. |
Please be advised that School District Five does not currently possess any documents responsive to this request, as School District Five has not made any payments to Mr. Belton. |
Bruce McDade |
2/10/2022 |
I am requesting a copy of the Vendor Invoice History of Dr Angela H Bain/Angela Bain Consulting. |
Robert Harris |
2/10/2022 |
I would like all directives and/or email correspondence from Dr. Akil Ross to all high school librarians and/or administrative staff instructing them to remove "All Boys Aren't Blue" from high school library shelves.
I would like all correspondence to and from board members as referenced during the 1/24 board meeting regarding obscene materials in library books as referenced by Hines.
I would like a copy of the NON CENSORED and NON REDACTED public participation of the 1/24/22 school board meeting. |
Please be advised that School District Five does not currently possess any documents responsive to your first two requests. However, you will find attached the requested video.
**Due to explicit content, the original video recording cannot be shown. Some of the audio has been redacted per The Board's majority vote. The redacted version can be viewed here. |
Melissa Rabon |
2/11/2022 |
I request that an electronic copy (excel format) of the following information be provided to me: A complete list of names, addresses and email addresses of all your parents and guardians with children enrolled in the district in first through seventh grade for the 2021/2022 school year. Please send this information in electronic format rather than a printed document. A complete list of names, addresses and email addresses of all your parents and guardians with children enrolled in the district in first through seventh grade for the 2021/2022 school year. |
School District Five is generally prohibited from releasing personally identifiable information about students pursuant to a federal law known as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act ("FERPA"), without the consent of their parents. District policy JRA/JRA-R (Student Records), clarifies the District’s procedures in this regard by stating, "The district cannot release school records to any person or agency (employer, government agency, etc.) without the written consent of a student's parent." “Personally identifiable information” includes “other information that, alone or in combination, is linked or linkable to a specific student that would allow a reasonable person in the school community, who does not have personal knowledge of the relevant circumstances, to identify the student with reasonable certainty;” or “information requested by a person who the educational agency or institution reasonably believes knows the identity of the student to whom the education record relates.” See 34 CFR § 99.3. Additionally, the South Carolina Freedom of Information Act specifically excludes from disclosure “[i]nformation of a personal nature where the public disclosure thereof would constitute unreasonable invasion of personal privacy.” S.C. Code Ann. § 30-4-40(a)(2). Based on this information, we will not be able to fulfill this FOIA request. We appreciate your understanding in this matter. |
Michael Bishop |
2/17/2022 |
In accordance with SC Code 30-4-10 I request the following -
All emails sent from board members Jan Hammond, Ken Loveless, and Nikki Gardner to Dr. Melton during the month of April 2020
This request shall cover both emails sent directly to Dr. Melton and any emails addressed to others for which Dr. Melton was also a recipient. This request shall cover all emails from either their official D5 email accounts or their personal accounts should any exist.
If there are any emails covered by this request that the District determines are exempt from public release, I request that the District detail who the email was from and the date the exempt email was sent. |
Mandy Collins |
2/17/2022 |
I am requesting all approved work from home with dated back up for the fiscal years of 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 |
Response: FOIA specifically excludes from disclosure “[i]nformation of a personal nature where the public disclosure thereof would constitute unreasonable invasion of personal privacy.” S.C. Code Ann. § 30-4-40(a)(2). Release of information related to employees’ workplace accommodations exceeds the reasonable expectation of privacy granted to employees’ employment and health information. Based on this information, the District cannot fulfill this FOIA request. |
Mandy Collins |
2/17/2022 |
I am requesting information for all Human Resource staff credentials and Human Resource interactive process. |
Response: Please refer to the attached list of employees for the credentials of the Human Resources staff. The District is not in possession of specific documents responsive to your request in regard to the interactive process. The District follows The Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) 42 U.S.C. §12101 et seq. and District Board Policy in considering workplace accommodation requests.
Bristow Marchant |
2/17/2022 |
I would like to get a copy of an email exchange between a parent and school board member Nikki Gardner regarding Irmo High School from Feb. 1-Feb. 2. |
Matthew Rosbrugh 2/17/2022 |
2/17/2022 |
Any and all documents, files, training materials, memoranda, policies, acknowledgements, procedures and all other materials related to employee use of district email addresses including but not limited to district notice to employees that the district may monitor their use of district email and computer accounts. |
Most of School District Five's responsive information is contained in School Board Policy IJNDB, "Use of Technology Resources." That document is available on our website, but a link is below for your convenience. Also, School District Five's current employee handbook contains some supplemental guidelines to the Board Policy. The relevant pages are attached. Please let us know if you have any difficulty opening the document. Please accept this as our final determination and response regarding your request. School District Five makes every good-faith effort to identify and provide all documents pursuant to FOIA requests.
If we have misunderstood your most recent request and you are requesting different information, please let us know at your earliest opportunity. |
Kim Benson |
2/18/2022 |
Please provide donor information for Irmo High School, the Yellow Jackets Booster Club, the Irmo High school Educational Foundation, and the Irmo High School PTSO for the years for January 2021 to present. |
Please be advised that the Yellow Jackets Booster Club, the Irmo High School Educational Foundation, and the Irmo High School PTSO are separate from the School District. You will need to request this information from them individually. You will find attached a listing of the donations IHS received from January 1, 2021 - current that are specifically noted as being "donations." There could be some that the school did not identify as donations that we would not be aware of. This is a complete list based on our accounting system data. Please contact us if you have any difficulty opening the file.
Veronica Hill |
2/18/2022 |
Please provide all emails between Dr. Robin Hardy and the Human Resource Department from March 29, 2021 and April 2, 2021, including all responses, email threads, and attachments. |
Bristow Marchant |
2/18/2022 |
I'd like to receive any emails sent between Principal Hardy at Irmo High School and the school district's human resources director between March 30 and March 31, 2021, along with any response. Thanks. |
Paul Phillips |
2/21/2022 |
Under the South Carolina Freedom of Information Act, §30-4-10 et seq., I write to request access to and a copy of a listing of all School District Five of Lexington & Richland Counties’ employees first and last names, email address, title / position, and primary department. |
Scott Rives |
3/1/2022 |
Please provide the bid tabulations and any available decision making regarding this bid award. Thank you. Bid 2022-026 |
Michael Bishop |
3/4/2022 |
Please provide me with a list of all District Five schools that currently have portable buildings in use. A list that indicates the school and the number of potables at that school will suffice. |
District Office - 6 portables in use Center for Advanced Technical Studies - 1 portable in use for CATE program Ballentine Elementary- 2 portables (storage) Chapin Elementary - 11 total portables (3 condemned and about to be removed, 7 in use, 1 unused ) Dutch Fork Middle School - 5 portables in use Lake Murray Elementary - 16 total portables (9 in use, 3 for storage, 4 unused) River Springs Elementary - 3 portables (2 used for storage, 1 unused) |
Scott Rives |
3/10/2022 |
Winning bid response document for bid 2022-026 |
Josh Edwards |
3/10/2022 |
RFQ and RFP submittals for the other contractors that submitted on the Chapin High Stadium Renovation project |
Robert Harris |
3/29/2022 |
Please provide all correspondence between State Superintendent Molly Spearman and all LR5 Board members regarding book challenging. Please provide the request and response from Board Member Rebecca Hines to Molly Spearman for guidance on dealing with book challenges.
Please provide the letter from Molly Spearman to LR5 advising school districts to check libraries for specific books, sent in November 2021. Please send all subsequent correspondence from LR5 to the state department of education, LR5 principals, Chief of Academics, and LR5 librarians. |
Hillary Flynn |
3/29/2022 |
Public records of incidents of sexual harassment, sexual assault, or attempted sexual assault or harassment, that happened at a number of School District Five schools over the past three years. |
The information you have requested is available in the SC School Report Card data. You can choose "View Report Card" and then filter by the year, type of school, district, and location. Once you make those selections, choose "Student Safety," and you will find the "Unsafe Incident Information. |
April Alsup |
4/5/2022 |
District Five of Lexington and Richland Counties has received your FOIA request for the following documents: Per SCFOIA, please provide me with the following information in regards to the release of email(s) sent by Ed White on August 21, 2020, from to which contained forwarded emails between my private email address and several other also private email addresses, which were subsequently released without any redaction on social media groups frequented by D5 school board members for political purposes. - Who authorized the release of the information and under what authority it was released on social media? - Who requested the information? - When was the request for this information made? - What was the specific request made which resulted in the release of this information? - What was the reason given for the request of this information? - The reason there is no record of a request pertaining to these documents on the district's website? - The reason there are no FOIA results on the district's website which contain these documents? - Why were this request and results were not part of the usual protocol for handling FOIA requests? - Why private information, including mine and that of others, was not properly redacted prior to the release of these documents since I was not a school board member, my email was not sent to a district email address and did not pertain to board or district business directly? - What additional documents were provided to the requester(s) which have not been released (yet) on social media sites in relation to the request in question? |
According to School District Five records, this email was neither requested nor released through the Freedom of Information Act. However, School District Five Board Policy BEDGA “Board Records” allows individual board members “special consideration in obtaining information.” Members can request “to inspect and/or receive copies of records” outside of FOIA, and such requests, when filled, are provided to all board members. School District Five staff is not aware of this message being distributed outside of the District. Please accept this as our final determination and response regarding your request. School District Five makes every good-faith effort to identify and provide all documents pursuant to FOIA requests. |
Michelle Casile |
4/7/2022 |
Of the students quarantined/isolated because of close contact, how many tested Covid-19 positive in school year 21/22 as of March 22, 2022? Please submit an estimate for the FOIA request prior to filling the request. Thank you. |
Since the beginning of the current school year through March 22, 2022, School District Five has had 732 students test positive while they were in quarantine from close contact. Of those, 226 were from close contact at school, and 506 were from close contact at home or in the community. Please accept this as School District Five's final determination and response regarding your request. School District Five makes every good-faith effort to identify and provide all documents pursuant to FOIA requests. |
Bristow Marchant |
4/7/2022 |
I'd like to receive any emails sent between Principal Hardy at Irmo High School and the school district's human resources director between Aug. 30 and Sept. 3, 2021, along with any response. Thanks. |
Matthew Cavender |
4/8/2022 |
All records, including training documents, attendance records, certificates of completion, or the like, regarding any training or continuing education provided to or received by District 5 employees working at Harbison West Elementary on the subjects of autism, ADD/ADHD, anxiety, dyslexia/dysgraphia, or expressive disorders. Please provide any such records for the past 5 years. All records, including training documents, attendance records, certificates of completion, or the like, regarding any training or continuing education provided to or received by any District 5 employee on the subject of autism. Please provide any such records for the past 10 years. |
Brenda Peiffer |
5/4/2022 |
I would like to request the renewal confirmation and current price list for the following bids for the 2022/2023 school year: School Nutrition Paper Products Ice Cream Services for District Schools |
Ryan McFarlane |
5/11/2022 |
Bid Number 2022-036 Online Registration System, please provide the vendor responses and scored rubrics |
Robert Cox |
5/27/2022 |
I understand an email was sent to the board of trustees members and copied to Dr. Akil Ross on May 9, 2022 that included an attachment of the SC Ethics Commission's Consent Order which was signed by Jan Hammond and outlined Ms. Hammond's 15 ethics violations and her $2,000 fine. Please send me a copy (by email or U.S. Mail) of that May 9th email and the consent order that was attached. |
Brenda Peiffer |
6/28/2022 |
I would like to request a copy of the line item bid award tabulation, showing the awarded vendors, pricing, brands, product codes, and competitive quotes if available or the vendor bid schedule submitted by all vendors for the following bids: School Nutrition Paper Products (2022-050) |
Name of Requestor |
Date Completed |
Item Requested |
Documents |
Cynthia Clark |
7/7/2020 |
Please provide all test reports of any nature to date for Elementary School #13 as prepared by Terracon. The website is only partially complete with many inspection reports missing. As of 6/17/20, with numbering from 1-153B, the following items in particular are missing: 13A, 18A, 19-22, 24—47, 49, 51-59, 61-71, 73, 75, 78-92, 84-89, 90B, 96-140, 141B, 143-144, 146, 147A-147D, 148A-148C, 150B, 151-152, 153B. Please provide copies of all of those reports or complete the listing online as required and notify accordingly. |
The District does possess existing documents/records in response to your request, and those documents are accessible online: /Page/24721 |
Cynthia Clark |
7/14/2020 |
Please provide the ethnicity/racial composition/breakdown of students using the free reduced meal program and/or the ESOL program. Please provide at the district level, and if possible, by each school in the district. |
The District does not have responsive records/documents to provide, per your request as you've described it. Please note that SC FOIA defines “public records” to include documents “prepared, owned, used, in the possession of, or retained by a public body.” Public bodies are not required to create documents/records. Though the District does not possess an existing record in response to your request, beyond the requirements of FOIA, the District would like to share that ethnicity identification is optional information parents/guardians can provide on the free and reduced meal program applications. It is not required, and "most families do not enter ethnicity," per our student nutrition officials. |
Cynthia Clark |
7/30/2020 |
1) the Final Recommendation Report; 2) the PowerPoint presentation "inclusive of all appropriate maps, graphics, tables, and graphs for purposes of informing stakeholders, elected officials and the public at large. All documents under this task will be furnished in a PDF appropriate for posting on the schools' website."; 3) any emails to or from Dr. Melton, Mr. Cates, or any other D5 board member discussing this contract or rezoning effort or payment of Milone & MacBroom for said contract; and 4) proof of payment to date for this contract or services by Milone & MacBroom. You waived attorney client privilege, assuming you felt one existed, when you made the contract publicly available via FOIA, which made subsequent productions and providings under auspices of the contract likewise public. I look forward to your reply. |
Cynthia Clark |
8/13/2020 |
At the District 5 board meeting held on June 15, 2020 at the CATES center, Dan Neal reminded the board that Chapin High School’s construction/repairs/facility upgrade had at one time 1100 discrepancies, in contrast to Elementary School #13’s 27 discrepancies. Please provide a copy of that list of 1100 discrepancies, which would be in the district’s possession since payment is dependent upon inspections and completion of contract(s). In addition, please note how many of these discrepancies are still outstanding as of June 16, 2020, regardless of whether they in the process of repair or not. |
Cathy Huddle |
8/20/2020 |
Could you please email me the audits since FY 2014 or direct me to where I could find them on the website? |
The district does possess records responsive to your request, and the documents can be found online at the following link. |
Cynthia Clark |
8/21/2020 |
Please provide a copy of the most current Lexington Richland District 5 Employee Handbook to include a copy of any page that requires a signature by the employee. Also provide the policy on current employees having to acknowledge any updates of the handbook and its amendments. |
Bryan Brandstatter |
8/29/2020 |
All records and documents related to complaints against Bryan Brandstatter, as a member of Chapin Lacrosse Program. |
Based on our review of documents regarding “complaints against Bryan Brandstatter,” we have determined that, to the extent such documents exist, they are considered confidential education records of student(s) that are exempt from disclosure pursuant to FERPA. Specifically, the District is generally prohibited from releasing “personally identifiable information” about students pursuant to FERPA, subject to certain exceptions, none of which are met in your request. See 34 CFR § 99.3 defining “personally identifiable information” to include “other information that, alone or in combination, is linked or linkable to a specific student that would allow a reasonable person in the school community, who does not have personal knowledge of the relevant circumstances, to identify the student with reasonable certainty;” or “information requested by a person who the educational agency or institution reasonably believes knows the identity of the student to whom the education record relates.” For these reasons, the documents you have requested cannot be disclosed pursuant to FERPA, and thus are exempt from disclosure under FOIA, so we are unable to provide them. |
Segal Rothman |
9/18/2020 |
Pursuant to The Public Records Act which grants access to copies of public records, we respectfully request records pertaining to any of the following types of obligations: Uncashed checks Unclaimed checks and funds Unclaimed tax refunds and performance bonds Stale Dated checks Tax Overpayments Outstanding checks Outstanding and Refundable credit balances Checks Exempt from Unclaimed Property Reporting If some of this request is exempt from release, please release the remainder of the record which is allowed. Please provide all outstanding/uncashed/stale dated checks/properties that are greater than $500 to vendors, businesses, or agencies that presently remain in your possession. Please only include checks that are over 5 months old. For each property, please provide issue dates, payee names, addresses, and dollar amounts due. If possible, an excel document would be the desired format to receive data for all available years. Please note that I am not requesting a listing of records which have already been escheated. If the requested records could not be found or do not exist in your possession, please provide the contact information for the public body from which they may be requested and forward this request to them (For example, if another department issues checks on your behalf.) We would appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and, if possible, request your response within 15 business days of receipt of this letter. We are willing to modify the request to help expedite the process. Please notify me should costs exceed $100. Thank you for your assistance with this matter. If you have any questions concerning the above or need further clarification, please contact me at |
Section 30-4-50 of the South Carolina Freedom of Information Act prohibits the release of "information for commercial solicitation." Likewise, School District Five of Lexington & Richland Counties School Board Policy JRA prohibits the release of student records (which includes student names, grade levels, addresses, etc.) for commercial use. Based on preliminary research of your company, we have determined that Retained Equity intends to use the information requested for solicitation/for-profit purposes. Therefore, we do not intend to provide the records you seek. If your business is a nonprofit organization and information will not be used for commercial purposes; please submit supporting documents, and the District will reconsider your request. Please accept this as the District's final determination regarding your FOIA request. |
Kenneth Hibshman |
9/18/2020 |
I would like a copy of the budget for the Dutch Fork athletic department. More specifically how much money is allocated for school sports and how much each sport receives out of this money. |
DFHS has provided him the records he requested. |
Steven Briva |
12/8/2020 |
1) Is there an incumbent for this engagement? 2) If yes, who is the incumbent? 3) What is the amount and duration of their contract? 4.) Can we obtain a copy of the previous award? |
1) Is there an incumbent for this engagement? Yes 2) If yes, who is the incumbent? Advanced Disposal Services South Carolina, LLC 3) What is the amount and duration of their contract? 1-year contract with option to renew for an additional 4 years, approximately $491,000 4.) Can we obtain a copy of the previous award? Attached.
David Clifton |
12/15/2020 |
1- Please provide a copy of the Request for all proposals on Elementary School #13 Project. 2- Please provide the Board Chair, Vice Chair, and also any other voting members of the on the selection committee that was involved in the process of choosing the Architect or Construction Manager for Elementary School #13 project. 3- Please provide a complied list of subcontractors and the current contract amounts for the subcontractors for Elementary School #13 4- Please provide the Board Chair, Vice Chair, and also any other voting members of the on the selection committee that was involved in the process of choosing the Architect or Construction Manager for Chapin Middle Third Wing project. 5 - Please provide a complied list of subcontractors and also the final contract amounts for the subcontractors for Chapin Middle Third Wing project? |
1. This information is available online at the following link(s):
2. This information is available online at the following link: (The information is contained in the meeting minutes.)
4. The Board chose to use the original architect for the CMS building since they designed the original school.
Cathy Huddle |
12/19/2020 |
Please provide all associated information associated with how the (Dan Neal) contracts came into being, including, not not limited to: letters and emails between Mr. Neal and the superintendent referencing his contracts, letters and emails between any board members and the superintendent referencing his contracts and letters and emails between any board members and Mr. Neal referencing his contracts |
6-8-17 FOIA Contracts and or compensation packages_Dan Neal and Keith McAlister 6.8.17 12-19-2020
Dan Neal Contract with District 5 08012018 - Attachment 7.30.2018 12-19-2020
Google Vault - Amended Consultant Contract 7.30.2018 12-19-2020
SC FOIA Request - Contract for Dan Neal & Keith McAlister 6.23.17 12-19-2020 |
Liz Constantino |
12/19/2020 |
Beverage Vending program 2021-013 requesting the actual pricing per package that won the BIB. We are always looking to improve our proposals. |
Michele Ziehl |
12/20/2020 |
"Citing the FOIA, the public is entitled to know the total enrollment for Chapin High School from the 2019-2020 school year, the number of CHOICE students included in that enrollment, and the number of teachers' children that were not zoned for Chapin High School and not part of the CHOICE program included in that enrollment. Citing the FOIA, the public is entitled to know the total enrollment for Chapin High School from the 2020-2021 school year, the number of CHOICE students included in that enrollment, and the number of teachers' children that were not zoned for Chapin High School and not part of the CHOICE program included in that enrollment." |
Please note that the district's enrollment totals are posted online for the 2019-2020 school year, the 2020-2021 school year and other school years at the following link. |
Kim Frey |
12/21/2020 |
We are going to be holding seminars with your school district for grade levels 6th to 11th we need the following Students name grade level mailing address parents email address |
Section 30-4-50 of the South Carolina Freedom of Information Act prohibits the release of "information for commercial solicitation." Likewise, School District Five of Lexington & Richland Counties School Board Policy JRA prohibits the release of student records (which includes student names, grade levels, addresses, etc.) for commercial use. Based on research of your company, we have determined that Sycamore Learning Company is a for-profit business. Therefore, we can not provide the information you seek. If your business is a nonprofit organization, providing a free/no cost or obligation service to students; please submit supporting documents, and the District will reconsider your request. Please accept this as the District's final determination regarding your FOIA request. |
Mandy Dorman |
1/5/2021 |
Pursuant to the South Carolina Freedom of Information Act, §30-4-10 et seq. (the “Act”), I write to request access to and a copy of a listing of all Lexington full time employees' first, middle and last names, including their job title/position, campus/office location, date of hire and email address. Please provide this information in an electronic format such as Excel or .csv to this email address, if possible. |
Kelly Daniells |
1/21/2021 |
2020-2021 Teacher Salary Schedule for district 5. |
Avery Wilks, Charleston Post and Courier |
2/2/2021 |
I am requesting a breakdown of the legal fees your agency has paid since Jan. 1, 2019. In that breakdown, please provide the name of each law firm hired, the reason or case for which the firm was hired, the beginning and end date of the contract and the amount paid. |
In response to your request, we are enclosing records that show the names of the law firms and the legal fees our District has paid since January 1, 2019. The District has relationships with several law firms. Those firms provide legal assistance in several general areas, including such matters as litigation, contracts, procurement matters, policies, employment matters, and student matters. The specific parties involved are exempt from disclosure pursuant to S. C. Code Sections 30-4-40(a)(2), (4), and (7), as well as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 20 USC Section 1232g.
Chad Stefaniak |
2/4/2021 |
I am requesting the total number of staff, by school, in the LexRich5 District. Per the District's email dated 12/15/2020, "The board also voted to give the superintendent authority to determine closures on a school-by-school basis if the positivity or quarantine percentages for staff or students passes 10 percent." The District must be tracking the number of staff by school in order to make this assessment. I would like the same staff tally (denominator) being used by the superintendent to determine school closures based on staff positive/quarantine levels. |
Christopher Kenney/Dick Harpootlian Office |
2/19/2021 |
Please provide me with the following non-exempt public records concerning Shelevy ONeal Boozer-Gallman a/k/a Neal Boozer (i.e., the Dutch Fork boys track and field coach): 1. All employment contracts with Boozer, 2. All performance reviews and promotion or termination correspondence concerning Boozer's employment with the District, and 3. All complaints about or concerning Boozer. I am willing to pay any reasonable cost associated with this request. |
This information was provided to a law firm. |
Leslie Stiles |
2/25/2021 |
I am requesting an electronic copy of all emails between Dr Melton and the school board beginning November 16, 2020 through the present, December 10,2020. |
Arlene DiNicola |
3/15/2021 |
Invoices from Andrea White to D5 for all services rendered, for any board member or employee, for dates of service from 11/4/19-01/25/21. |
Leslie Stiles |
3/16/2021 |
1) any reimbursements made to Ms Andrea White from 8/1/2020- the present date. Including the date of service provided to the district and the amount of reimbursement. 2) any bills or reimbursement requests from Ms Andrea White 8/1/2020 - present date. Including the date of service provided to the district, description of service provided (e.g., legal services) and the amount of reimbursement requested. |
Michael Bishop |
3/19/2021 |
I am requesting copies of all emails sent by Ken Loveless and Jan Hammond via their official D5 email address on September 16, 2020. Please include all emails sent from either of these addresses between 12 AM and 11:59 PM on September 16, 2020. I DO NOT need emails received by these accounts, only emails and responses sent by these accounts and only for Sept 16th. |
Krystle Matthews |
3/30/3021 |
I would like to respectfully request a copy of all curriculum, materials and outlines that are currently being used to teach Black History. |
Vicky Pryor |
4/27/2021 |
Student Verification of specific Social Services, DOCUMENTED address for transportation & McKinney Vento, during the duration of the 2017-2018 school year of our displacement until the new home address was given. |
Per our understanding of your request, this information can not be obtained through a FOIA request and could obtain confidential student information protected under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). It also has been brought to our attention that officials in the district's Office of Planning and Administration have reached out to you and provided details related to your request. If you would like to clarify your request or resubmit a request for records that would be provided under FOIA, please email me or submit a new request through our online form. |
Michael Bishop |
4/29/2021 |
I am requesting, under the FOI provisions, information pertaining to any land lease or use contracts / agreements that the district has with the Chapin Chamber regarding this bldg. and land. I am also requesting clarification regarding whether the district or the chamber owns the house / bldg. that the Chamber occupies. If the district owns the bldg. I am requesting any lease or use contract for the bldg. |
Julie Booth |
5/12/2021 |
Please provide the amount that was charged to the submitting individual for the FOIA request made by Leslie Stiles that was completed on 2/25/2021. The subject was emails between a certain period in Nov and Dec, 2020. |
Laurene Mensch |
5/19/2021 |
Would you mind sending me a list of the board officer meeting schedule for 2021; the meetings that have already taken place as well as any that remain? Dates/times/locations? |
The District does not have a record to provide to you, pursuant to the definition of records provided in the SC Freedom of Information Act. In other words, there is no document/record showing when they met in 2021.
Beyond the requirements of FOIA, the District would like to offer the clarification that it is our understanding that our Board Officers meetings are not committee meetings and thus do not fit the definition of a "public meeting" under SCFOIA. Therefore, there are no agendas or public postings of their meetings, and no notification of the meetings are required under the law. The District would like to also offer that the meetings times, dates and locations vary based on need and availability of the three Board Officers and the Superintendent. Unlike board meeting schedules for the school year, Board Officer meetings are not posted, voted on by the full board or scheduled in advance for the school year.
Please accept this as our final determination regarding your FOIA request. The district makes every good-faith effort to respond fully to SCFOIA requests |
Brenda Peiffer |
5/24/2021 |
I would like to request the renewal confirmation and current price list for the following bids for the 2021/2022 school year: School Nutrition Paper Products Pizza Program Ice Cream Services for District Schools |
Juli Booth |
6/16/2021 |
Please provide the financials (time and cost) for ALL attorneys (hired/retained by District 5) who have worked on the Kelly Services contract since February 1, 2021. |
Jennifer Rainville |
6/21/2021 |
Any and all contracts or memorandums of understanding that your district has with any and all law enforcement officers, or agencies that provide law enforcement officers, who serve as School Resource officers in your district from the 2020-2021 school year and 2021-2022 school year. |
Adam Benson, Post and Courier Columbia |
6/22/2021 |
I am requesting the settlement agreement pertaining to Superintendent Christina Melton’s separation from the district as discussed at a June 14, 2021 Board of Trustees meeting. |
Michael Bishop |
6/22/2021 |
I request ALL signed version of the settlement agreement with Dr. Melton. If there was an original signed version and subsequently changed or amended signed version(s) I request that you provide ALL version that were signed. I also request the District information pertaining to the time / date / and location the agreement(s) were signed by the board members. | |
Christopher Joseph, WISTV |
6/22/2021 |
I am requesting all documentation relating to Dr. Melton's agreement with the board about her resignation. |
Tony Santaella |
6/22/2021 |
I, Tony Santaella, would like to request the settlement agreement reached between the Lexington Richland Five school trustees and Dr. Christina Melton, superintendent. This is in accordance with the state freedom of information act. |
Leslie Stiles |
6/23/2021 |
I am requesting an electronic copy of all emails written by Chair Hammond to any D5 Board Trustee or received from any D5 Board Trustee to Chair Hammond dated 12am 4/28/21 through 5/4/21 at 11:59 pm |
Adam Benson, the Post and Courier, Columbia |
6/24/21 |
I am requesting the personnel files of Dr. Akil Ross. | File.pdf |
Darci Stickland, WLTX |
6/24/2021 |
I’m writing to request a copy of Dr. Akil Ross’s contract through the Freedom of Information Act. | |
Nicole Sharp |
6/25/2021 |
I am writing on behalf of Public Consulting Group LLC (PCG) to request copies of specific public documents pursuant to South Carolina Freedom of Information Act, §30-4-10 et seq. This record corresponds to the RFP # 2021-022 Medicaid Direct Billing Services. Description of the scope: School District Five of Lexington and Richland Counties is seeking competitive sealed proposals to contract for the exclusive provision of Medicaid reimbursement and billing services for Direct Billing. The successful contractor will be required to provide the District with a Medicaid Reimbursement and billing system that will maximize services rendered to Medicaid Eligible students, optimize revenue generated through delivery of those services, and increase the level of participation in the Medicaid Reimbursement Program. The contractor’s system must allow the District to completely surrender the billing process to the contractor, except forwarding claims to the contractor. The District will not be responsible for keying in claims. Reason for FOIA Request: This RFP was awarded to the current vendor; we would like to compare the awarded vendor's RFP response to our submitted RFP response. No information will be used for commercial solicitation. We are requesting the following document(s) outlined below: •Technical Proposal of the winning bid •Price Proposal of the winning bid According to our review of South Carolina Freedom of Information Act, §30-4-10 et seq., we believe that these documents are public and are prepared to reimburse or provide advance payment for any copying or mailing charges incurred by the District in complying with this request. Please forward the documents to: Brian Mallory, Sr. Program Manager Education Public Consulting Group LLC Please feel free to email electronic copies of the documents as attachments to Brian Mallory at if this is more convenient for you. If this request should be submitted to a different person, please let us know so we can forward the request accordingly. If you have any questions related to this request or need additional information, I can be reached by telephone at 602-425-5544 or |
Arlene DiNicola |
6/28/2021 |
Emails between Dr. Melton and Nikki Gardner from April 28, 2021 through May 26, 2021 | FOIA 2.pdf FOIA 3.pdf FOIA 4.pdf FOIA 5.pdf FOIA 6.pdf FOIA 7.pdf FOIA 8.pdf |
Adam Benson |
6/30/2021 |
The personnel files Christina Melton |
Date Completed |
Items Requested |
Documents |
7/11/19 |
All job postings for Dutch Fork High School girls and/or boys soccer teams for varsity, assistant varsity, and junior varsity coaching positions from Janurary 1, 2009 to June 14, 2019 | |
7/11/19 |
Related to product specified on 2020-001 Walk Through Metal Detectors: Who did the county last purchase these from? What is the last purchase price per item? |
8/26/19 |
Salaries of all district employees making $50,000 or more. Please include employee names, positions and salaries for the upcoming school year. | |
8/27/19 |
Provide the following public information for employees hired beginning February 1, 2019 through the date of your response. The preferred response format is electronic, in excel, with the following information in the designated fields: First name, Last name, Employee ID Number, Job Title, Work location Current assignment, Work phone number, work email address, date of hire. |
Document provided to requester |
9/18/19 |
Requesting Lex Rich 5 line by line budget for Amicks Ferry Rd modifications deemed necessary by 2017 Road study. This included 2, 250 ft. lne additions for turning, road widening of Amicks Ferry Road, and other modifications. Please advise if the timeline is for this work to be done before construction of school |
The District does not possess any documents to fill this request. However, beyond the requirements of the SCFOIA law, the District can provide you with a total budget for Amicks Ferry Road modifications and the SC DOT-approved lineal feet of lane widening. If you would like to receive this information, please let us know. |
10/11/19 |
Under the South Carolina Freedom of Information Act, §30-4-10 et seq., I am requesting an opportunity to inspect or obtain copies of public records related to the superintendent's most recent evaluation. | |
10/18/19 |
Requested information athletic participation numbers, program budgets and expenditures and coaching salaries by gender in reference to DFHS |
10/24/19 |
We are going to be holding seminars with your school district for grade levels 6th to 11th, we need the following:
Students name grade level mailing address parents email address |
Section 30-4-50 of the South Carolina Freedom of Information Act prohibits the release of "information for commercial solicitation." Likewise, School District Five of Lexington & Richland Counties School Board Policy JRA prohibits the release of student records (which includes student names, grade levels, addresses, etc.) for commercial use.
Based on research of your company, we have determined that Sycamore Learning Company is a for-profit business. Therefore, we can not provide the information you seek. If your business is a nonprofit organization, providing a free/no cost or obligation service to students; please submit supporting documents, and the District will reconsider your request. |
11/8/19 |
Could you please confirm whether or not the Food Service Equipment for District Schools bid has been renewed for the 2019-2020 school year? |
The Food Service Equipment bid was not renewed for the 2019-20 school year. |
12/10/19 |
A copy of any and all Payment and/or Performance Bonds which may have been issued in regard to projects |
The District has determined that it does not possess any of the requested documents. Thompson Turner Construction is the contractor for our summer capital projects. All sub contractors work for and are paid directly by Thompson Turner. |
12/30/19 |
Any Contracts and Amendments/Modifications entered into by District Five of Lexington and Richland Counties including any related procurement documentation such as RFP proposal/bid materials from all bidders of RFQ Solicitation # 2020-015 for Bretford Cube Charging Carts. |
12/30/19 |
I would like to request the current salaries of all Lexington/Richland 5 employees. I would like an electronic copy of each employee's name, job title, and salary dollar amount. |
3/5/2020 |
In social media posts (attached) board member Ken Loveless is claiming that the new elementary school can be built "for around 19 million in construction costs". I request all documents and sources produced by or used by Mr. Loveless to generate his estimate. I request Mr. Loveless define his term "construction cost". Does that include site prep, SCDOT required work? Architects fees? Contractor fees? Tap fees? Etc... Please include all aspects of construction that he has included in his term "construction costs". I specifically request that Mr. Loveless produce his analysis of his estimated costs and how they would comply and adhere to the SC Office of School Facilities rules and regulations for school planning and construction. In an official board meeting Mr. Loveless claimed that concrete was illegally poured at the new elementary school. I request the applicable local, state, or federal law or regulation which backs his claim. |
The District is not in possession of existing records/documents in response to your request. If you would like to reach out to Mr. Loveless directly or any of our Board members, contact information for our Board members is posted online at the following link. |
3/12/20 |
Board member Ed White has recently repeatedly stated to other board members that contractors, architects and/or construction managers at the settlement negotiations for the Chapin High School project from the 2008 bond referendum have made the accusations that the "lady in the pink hard hat"caused them to make undocumented changes in the work or to do things that hindered or adversely affected the construction phase of the project.Please provide any documentation that in any way supports Mr. White's ascertains. | The District has determined that it does not possess any records/documents in response to your request. School District Five makes every good-faith effort to identify and provide all documents pursuant to FOIA requests. Please accept this as the District's final determination regarding your FOIA request. |
4/29/20 |
I am requesting a copy of the current contract between District 5 and the Superintendent, Dr. Christina Melton. |
4/30/20 |
I would like to request the line item bid award tabulation, including awarded vendors, pricing, brands, product codes, and competitive quotes if available for the Ice Cream Services for District Schools (2020-026) bid. I would also like to request the renewal confirmation and current price list for the following bids for the 2020/2021 school year:
School Nutrition Paper Products Pizza Program |
4/30/20 |
Please provide a list of itinerary, dinners, social events provided by vendors that the District 5 board members/trustees were invited to/attended while at the Hilton Head convention on February 20-22, 2020. Include the places of the events and the hosts/names of persons who made the invitations. Include the names of District 5 board members who attended each event. | |
4/30/20 |
Since a friend attended the DFHS basketball game at the Colonial Life Arena on Friday, March 6, 2020 at 8:30 and observed member(s) of the Board and Administration being entertained in the Contract Construction box/suite, please provide the names of those individuals from the District 5 Board and/or Administration who attended as guests of Contract Construction. | |
5/5/20 |
Please provide copies of emails exchanged among all District 5 board members in threads that originated on December 6, 2019. Any replies that exceeded December 6 into subsequent dates are requested as well. |
5/6/20 |
In light of the AG's opinion to Beaufort County's school district that emergency resolutions did not remove the legal requirement for a quorum, and in light of the fact District 5 has not stepped back its decision to function outside of that decision and leave all decisions up to Michael Cates and Superintendent Melton, minus the opinions of six other board members, therefore, not having a quorum, I ask the following information dating back to the decision of the board (April 6, 2020) for Mr. Cates and Dr. Melton to operate alone: 1) the topic of each item decided by Cates and Melton minus a quorum; 2) the decision of each item decided by Cates and Melton minus a quorum; 3) the date of each item decided by Cates and Melton minus a quorum; 3) any documentation that they bothered to discuss the issues with other board members as promised in the April 6, 2020 virtual board meeting. |
There are no documents in response to your request, since the Board Chair and Superintendent have not taken any action based on the emergency resolution to date. |
5/13/20 |
Please provide any subsequent communications that Lex Rich School District 5 has had with SCDOT regarding the Traffic Study for The school on Amicks Ferry Road after the letters that are posted on the District website under Due Diligence. Mr. James from SCDOT indicates that he was waiting on more information from District 5 regarding the TIS. |
There are no documents/records responsive to your request, since the follow-up with SCDOT was done face-to-face. The District makes every good-faith effort to identify and provide all documents pursuant to FOIA requests. |
5/22/20 |
The 2008 Bond Referendum promised to build and repair certain schools. Please provide a list of those promised projects, and the dollars obligated for each. Also, please provide a list of the completed projects as of this date, and the dollars spent for each. Plus projects started and not completed and cost. |
6/17/20 |
Please provide lists of the capital improvements performed on each school in the district in 2017-2020 in terms of school name, capital improvement done, cost, and contractor. Actual contracts are not needed. |
While the District does not have an existing record/document that includes the information as described in your request, information on capital budget/plans are posted publicly on our website. Beyond the requirements of SC FOIA, we would like to provide you with the following link to information we have posted: /Page/14194 |
6/17/20 |
Please provide the ethnicity/racial demographics for each school in the district. |
The District does not have an existing record/document that includes "the ethnicity/racial demographics for each school in the district." However, beyond the requirements of FOIA, the District would like to inform you that this information is available to any member of the public through the "D5 Dashboard" web page on the District's website. A link to that web page is posted below: |
6/18/20 |
Please provide copies of emails exchanged among all District 5 board members in threads that originated on December 6, 2019. Any replies that exceeded December 6 into subsequent dates are requested as well. | |
6/19/20 |
The 2008 Bond Referendum promised to build and repair certain schools. Please provide a list of those promised projects, and the dollars obligated for each. Also, please provide a list of the completed projects as of this date, and the dollars spent for each. Plus projects started and not completed and cost. |
the District created a web page last week where members of the public can easily access records/documents regarding the 2008 bond referendum: /Page/2008Bond |
Date Completed |
Items Requested |
Documents |
8/13/2018 |
Question entered into public participation: What are the specific reasons for not yet building an elementary school on the 44-acre school site purchased in 2010 on Mt Vernon Church Rd, some of which the board majority voted to condemn? Per Board Policy BEDH, I request a written answer and the answer posted on the District’s website.
Since documents exist to provide response, the request was being treated as an FOIA request (per policy BEDH).
| responses/June 8 2017.pdf responses/May 19 2017 2.pdf responses/May 19 2017 2.pdf |
8/30/2018 |
I am requesting access to copies of the architectural plans for the proposed school on Amicks Ferry Rd. I can come out to the district office and view the school plans. I would like to view them this week or next week. I have filed an FOIA with the form on the District's website also, but I'm sending you an email just in to have a copy of the request in my records. |
No existing documents. |
8/30/18 |
I am requesting access to and an email copy of the information from the bank for the $30 million loan to be on the 9-10-18 school board meeting to build the school on Amicks Ferry Road. I am requesting the lending institution's name and copies with all the terms and conditions of the loan and pay back schedule. Since this loan is with tax payer's money, and the district already has the information to be given to the board members to be voted on in the meeting. this information should be easy to obtain. I have sent Katrina Goggins an email stating the FOIA request, so I can have a copy of the date of the request. Thank You for your prompt response |
No existing documents. |
9/7/2018 |
Report (or reports) showing the number of affidavit students, school choice students, teachers’ children who are students, and any other student attending a school they are not currently zoned for; the school and grade they are currently attending; the school or district they are zoned for; and their classification – i.e. Affidavit or other Out of District students, Hardship, Teacher students, Employee students, School Choice, Magnet, Tuition, Title 1, Special Education, Building Contract, and students moved out of their attendance area from the “Enrollment Freeze”. |
This document is available online: Click here. |
9/10/2018 |
2018-2019 45-Day ADM Report by grade and by school (which should be available after the 45th Day of school). |
No documents. (At time of request and response) The 45th day of the 2018-2019 school year had not yet occurred. |
9/10/2018 |
2018-2019 10-Day Enrollment Report by grade and by school |
9/10/2018 |
Per the South Carolina Freedom of Information Act, please provide the documents requested below: 2018-2019 10 day Enrollment by grade and by school |
The 45th day of the 2018-2019 school year has not yet occurred. There are currently no existing documents responsive to this FOIA request. |
9/21/2018 |
Per the South Carolina Freedom of Information Act, please provide the documents requested below: 2018-2019 Node Report or other documents indicating the number students for each grade, their respective Node, school attendance area, along with the corresponding Node map. (The Report may be titled differently than in previous years.) 2017-2018 Node Report or other documents indicating the number students for each grade, their respective Node, school attendance area, along with the corresponding Node map. (The Report may be titled differently than in previous years.) Please provide the documentation with a date prior to the January 2018 Enrollment Freeze and without any impact it may have on the Report. |
No existing documents. |
11/1/2018 |
Minutes, Motion and voting for the October 25, 2018 school board meeting. |
12/7/2018 |
"Per the SC Freedom of Information Act, please provide me with the following information: ï‚· Documents showing costs (amounts paid) related to the purchase of property on Derrick Pond Rd., including purchase and sale agreements, documents related proposed condemnation or in the alternative documents indicating an owners willingness to sell or donate property adjacent to the school site, commissions or other fee agreements, attorneys’ fees, site testing, costs related to acquisition of water and sewer, etc. and the General Ledger or other account numbers/names used to record; ï‚· Documents showing costs (amounts paid) related to the construction of a new school including such costs as architectural or other design fees, construction management or other professional fees, other construction related costs, attorneys’ fees, application fees, and the General Ledger or other account numbers/names used to record; ï‚· Budgets that reflect proposed costs related to obtaining the property and constructing a school; ï‚· Resolutions or other documents indicating amounts borrowed to obtain the property and for any and all portions of constructing a school. |
10/23/2018 |
Under the S.C. Freedom of Information Act, The State requests copies of any and all records that reference or relate to payments made by -- or on behalf of -- the Lex-Rich 5 School District to settle actual or threatened lawsuits in the past five years. This request includes payments made as a result of real/threatened lawsuits against district employees as well as the district itself. Documents should make clear: The date each payment was made, Which payments required a non disclosure agreement/agreements, The nature of why each payment was made. If it is the district's position that all or some of these records are exempt from public disclosure, please cite the state statute in writing that provides the exemption and explain with particularity how the exemption applies in this case. |
10/24/19 |
Contracts with M.A.R. Construction for siding removal at CHS |
11/14/18 |
Under the S.C. Freedom of Information Act, The State requests copies of any and all records that reference or relate to payments made by -- or on behalf of -- the Lex-Rich 5 School District to settle actual or threatened lawsuits in the past five years. |
1/25/19 |
Pursuant to the South Carolina Freedom of Information Act, this letter is a request for the following public records from Lexington-Richland Five. All contracts awarded from FY2012 to FY2018 to the following companies: 1. Cumming Construction Management /Cumming Corporation 2. LS3P Associates Ltd. 3. Stevens & Wilkinson (S&W) 4. Quackenbush Architects 5. JHS Architects |
2/13/19 |
I would like to know if I could be provided a list of properties owned by the school district, and those currently under contract for purchase/optioned for due diligence by the school district. We could exclude any active, functioning school. Addresses would be fine, but TMS numbers would be appreciated. Also, the title in which each properties is recorded. I am not interested in seller, price, etc etc. Just the identity of the properties. | |
2/14/19 |
Derrick Pond Road School site contract with Cumming/SMG AND/OR Southern Management Group AND/OR Cumming Construction (they changed names so many times). Derrick Pond school site contract with CJMW Architecture. And costs associated with contracts, land surveys, appraisals, traffic studies, easement requests from Richland County, and other required due diligence steps. |
3/21/19 |
I would like to add another bid to this request for renewal information as specified in the original request. That bid is: Ice Cream for District Schools (original bid number 2015-034). |
Our Department of Finance reports that both contracts were automatically renewed with no price increases. Consequently, there is no additional documentation associated with this bid. |
3/12/19 |
This request is made under the SC FOIA, 30-4-10 et seg as amended in 1998. A) Please send me a copy of the 135 Day ADM by grade for the school years 2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2018-2019 (if available). I am enclosing a copy of the March 23, 2015 for reference. B) Please send me copies of the 45-day Average Daily Membership for the same school years. C) Please send me copies of the Enrollment in the 10th day of school report for the same years. If the reports requested are no longer produced please send me copies of the replacement reports. | |
3/15/19 |
I am reaching out to make a request under the S.C. Freedom of Information Act. Please provide copies of or access to the complete personnel file for former Dutch Fork High School assistant principal Floyd White. Please include any and all complaints against Floyd White that were filed during his entire career at the school district, any actions taken as a result of those complaints, the factual conclusions reached by investigations of those complaints, and any and all sanctions taken against Floyd White as the result of the investigation. > Please include the results of any and all performance reviews and letters of commendation. Please include the results of any and all background testing, drug screening or any other information used in hiring Floyd White. Please let me know when you have received this request. Follow-up request, also dated Feb. 1 Please amend this request to include the personnel file for former Dutch Fork basketball coach Austin Duncan |
4/5/19 |
Rather than make a statement this evening, I would like to present you with a number of questions that the public has regarding recent developments during regular and special called Board meetings. I understand it is your policy not to answer questions posed by the taxpayers in a public forum. However, in the spirit of transparency, I would urge you to consider addressing these issues in a regular meeting, so all of the public could be made aware. If that is not possible, I would appreciate answers in a timely manner that I can pass along to the public. 1. It is rumored that you are looking for land for new elementary and middle schools in Chapin (primarily through a land swap)? I asked Dr. Harris about this and he says there are no plans. However, I have information from attendees at the recent Legislative Breakfast that plans were discussed. The District can not speak to “rumored” reports. However, to be clear, the District is not currently “looking for land for new elementary and middle schools in Chapin.” 2. When are you planning on placing a referendum on the ballot to address the issues uncovered in the MB Kahn Facilities Study? As reported during a Special-Called School Board Meeting on Feb. 25, the purpose of the facilities study was to assess the District’s current facilities conditions, uses, and maintenance needs; offer options to address school operations issues, such as aging structures; and provide construction strategies responsive to future uses and learning methods. The Board did not take action following the presentation. 3. Will you do a formal enrollment study prior to discussions on the MB Kahn Facility Study recommendations? The Administration consistently monitors and reviews enrollment in School District Five throughout the academic year, and enrollment studies are part of the District’s annual process of preparing for the next school year. 4. Who was on the committee who chose MB Kahn to do the Facilities Study? How much did the Facilities Study cost? Per the District Office of Finance, evaluation committee members included: Robert Gantt, Larry Haltiwanger, Anna Miller, Bruce Shealy, and Scott Carlin. The attached document provides a cost of the study. There is no cost associated with the production of this document, pursuant to the SC Freedom of Information Act. 5. What are the rules that govern School Board trustees being entertained (while on retreat) by firms that the District is currently in negotiations with? Like all elected officials, all members of the Board of Trustees of School District Five of Lexington & Richland Counties must adhere to and follow the laws governing public employment and the Rules of Conduct outlined in the South Carolina Ethics Act. 6. As Trustee White said when the 2008 Referendum was on the ballot, "The biggest waste of money is to wait." Probably shouldn't have waited on the Derrick Pond Road school, so what do you plan to do with that property now? Will you sell it or build on it? During a February 11 School Board meeting, an attorney providing a report on the Derrick Pond Road property also provided the School Board with options for the property. Per the report, the options are posted below: • Reapply for Approval with revised plans that comply with County requirements and build a school on the site. • Investigate using the site for another district facility. • Apply to rezone property to eliminate special requirements. • Acquire / Swap additional property to have access from Mt. Vernon Church Road • Sell property. Likely that value materially exceeds purchase price. The full report on the Derrick Pond property can be found on the District website under the Board of Trustees tab. You may also visit to view the PowerPoint from the report. 7. What are the plans for the unutilized property that the District owns on Wescott Rd, Fork Ave, and the location of the former Alternative Academy in Chapin? School District Five Board Policy FEE establishes that “it is appropriate and necessary to identify and acquire land in a formalized manner to assure the most advantageous pieces of real estate are obtained” for the District. Therefore, the District is well within its own policy in having property for later use. The District has made no decisions regarding the use of the referenced property. 8. Can you provide the plans for what will be done with the gravel parking lot at Chapin High School? When I spoke with Dr. Ross in the past, he mentioned it was being converted to practice athletic fields, thus the reason for not paving it. Neither athletic fields nor paving has happened. It is nothing but potholes and mud. Students who park in this lot are required to pay the same parking fee as other students, but yet their parking lot is not maintained. Mr. Carlin has told me in the past that this gravel lot is not in the rotation for parking lot maintenance. There are no immediate plans to pave the graveled area on Chapin High School’s campus. |
4/12/19 |
As requested at the meeting, will you please send to me a copy of the statement/motion distributed to board members and read into the record. | |
5/21/19 |
The State (Columbia) and Herald (Rock Hill) newspapers are putting together a database of high school football coaching salaries across the state. We request through the Freedom of Information Act the name of the varsity football head coach and their total annual compensation (salary plus any supplements) for the following high school(s): | |
5/13/19 |
Requested all written and electronic data, reports, supplemental or otherwise doccumentation, files, photographs, notes, transcripts, recordings, tapes, witness reports, memoranda, or other evidence relating in any way to incidents involving a teacher and student from August 1, 2018 May 3, 2019. 3. Any and all written and electronic data, reports, safety manuals, brochures or other evidence relating in any way to Lexington-Richland County School District Five's training, hiring and employment practice of Dutch Fork Middle School. | The request has been referred to our legal counsel for further consideration. Any documents associated with this matter will be provided by counsel through the legal process |
Date Completed |
Items Requested |
Documents |
7/20/2017 |
"Agency Disclosure for Mr. Al Berry, BIC" and "any and all agreements or contracts between Mr. Al Berry, The Education Group and the School District entered into after May 1, 2015." |
8/9/2017 |
Please provide copies of all invoices from the law firm Montgomery-Willard on the district's account from January 1,2016 until the present. | response.jpg |
9/1/2017 |
I am contacting you today to request the information below be provided to me in writing. A history of all payments, including salary payments for ALL District 5 School Board Member from January 1, 2015 to June 30, 2017. | response.jpg |
8/22/2017 |
1. I am asking information from 2016-17 school year, concerning the bus routes that run down and off Amicks Ferry rd. How many bus routes go down Amicks Ferry rd and on the roads off of the road, such as Long Pine, Lake Tide, St. Peter's church rd, Old Ferry rd, Caro, Oak Brook, Mary drive, Walt Rauch rd, Chrystal lake, Shady Acres Drive, Lake Mont drive, Green Meadow, White Water dr. 2. With these bus routes, on these roads listed above, how many children ride these buses from Chapin elementary school, Chapin middle school and other schools, Lake Murray elem Dutch Fork elem....etc..... 3. How many children ride these buses from specifically all the elementary schools. 4. What about a copy of all the bus routes from 2016-17 that drive down Amicks Ferry Rd, and number of elementary school students that ride them. |
8/8/2017 |
A copy of (via electronic or print) of the property appraisal document for the land on Amicks Ferry Road in Chapin, for Parcel A TMS 001000-02-010 and the appraisal for Parcel B TMS 001000-02-008. This appraisal was conducted by Mr. Joe Rosen, of Rosen Appraisal Services, and I am requesting again a copy of this entire appraisal report. | response.jpg |
8/7/2017 |
This is a request under the S.C. Freedom of Information Act for salary information for taxpayer-funded positions receiving $50,000 or more annually in your district. We will use the information to update our salary database found at At this time we are requesting salaries for only the following: headfootball coaches and athletic directors at the high schools in your district |
8/10/2017 |
Please send me a log of all District 5 board members who come to the district office on or before July 17th, 2017 5pm, to review the board packet information in regards to Amicks Ferry Road school site. Also, for any board members who did come to the district office to review all info on the Amicks Ferry site, who, if anyone accompanied the board members? | response.png |
9/8/2017 |
1) Please send any and all documentation on HOW the District chooses and approves District "approved" attorneys. 2) Please send a list of District approved attorneys and include their specialty area of representation for the district from 2015-2017. (Example, Attorney "Smith" is used for personnel issues, or Attorney "Smith" is used for Workman's Comp, or Attorney "Smith" is used for traffic accidents with district vehicles.) | Approved Attorneys.pdf |
8/22/2017 |
In November, The Educational Group, Inc. Started sending out letters to individual property owners in the Amicks Ferry corridor area of Chapin. I have one of those in my hand from a relative of mine. It is a letter of inquiry asking the land owner to contact Al Berry at 803.920.7564 to let him (Al) know if the land owner had any interest in discussing this matter. Al Berry also explains that he is the Districts Broker in representing the district in their property matters. The letter is signed by Al Berry BIC, and was cc'ed to Len Richardson. I would like to FIOA a copy of ALL of the letters that Al Berry, of the Educational Group, Inc. sent out to ALL land owners in a search for property matters. Since Len Richardson was cc'ed on each of these letters, the district should have a copy of them. ALso, since Al Berry states that he is representing the district, the district should have a copy of these letters on file. In addition to the letters, I would like to FIOA, the responses from the land owners who were sent letters or called and what their exact response was - even if there was no response from a land owner. |
7/31/2017 |
Please refer to your FOIA response of 5/30/2017 contained within an email at 10:41 am. The Website given at /Page/13728 did not contain the Accounts Payable Check Register for the month June 2016. Please provide. | response.jpg |
9/15/2017 |
On 7/13/2017 the district responded to an FOIA request made 5/31/2017 by providing a copy of the Settlement Agreement between the district and China Construction Company,Inc. signed by the district on 4/7/2017. Please provide the backup accounting information which shows how the district arrived at the $710,307.00 remaining balance to be paid to China and the $739,693.00 compromise payments to be made to China. | COR Demand 11132015.pdf COR Log - 12.15.15.pdf
9/22/2017 |
I am requesting copies of any reports, documents and communication between District 5 and Gerome McKibbens and associates, and the parameters that studies were based on. | response 2.jpg |
9/22/2017 |
I am requesting copies of node maps for Chapin, Irmo and Dutch Fork areas, and number of students by node in each grade for the 2017 school year | response.jpg |
9/21/2017 |
Pursuant to the Virginia Freedom of Information Act § 2.2-3704 et seq. (the “Freedom of Information Act”), please provide the following information: • A copy of the all bids submitted in response to the 403(b) Request For Proposals completed in June 2017 (the "RFP"); and • Copies of any scoring sheets, notes or recommendations for award or any other scoring information in connection with the RFP. | |
8/23/2017 |
Please provide copies of all bids submitted in the past five (5) years by paint contractors/manufacturers to Lexington School District 5 for all paint products and supplies; e.g., primer, stain, varnish, roof and floor coating, interior and exterior paint. |
Request incomplete. Awaiting payment from requester. |
8/28/2017 |
Under the South Carolina Freedom of Information Act, §30-4-10 et seq, I am requesting an opportunity to inspect or obtain copies of public records of responses to “Solicitation # 2017-056, Retirement Plan Administration Services 403(b)”. If there are any fees for searching or copying these records, please inform me of the cost. |
Files available at the District Office. |
9/15/2017 |
Per the SC FOIA, please provide the 2018 10 Day Enrollment Report | 10 Day Enrollment.pdf |
9/26/2017 |
Please provide the District's policies and the policies of the State of South Carolina Department of Education as they pertain to disposal or sale Real Property owned under the name of the District. | |
10/6/2017 |
Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, S.C. Code Ann. §§ 30-4-30, et seq., I respectfully request that you send me any notices or trespass notices as it pertains to Jahuvn Benson. | Request - Moses Firm.pdf |
10/11/2017 |
Please provide an official list of the names of the construction managers-at-risk who submitted proposals for the Chapin Middle School Additions which was let to Contract Construction Company . Please also provide the date which the proposals were due to be received. |
10/20/2017 |
Under the South Carolina Freedom of Information Act, § 30-4-10 et seq., I respectfully request an opportunity to inspect and obtain copies of all public records pertaining to the assault of my son, Joshua Tavella, by another student, Mina Lewis, which took place on 5/26/17 at Chapin Middle School. In particular, I am requesting the video surveillance of the entire incident starting from before CMS staff poured ice from the cooler near the bus loop, until my son left the property that afternoon. I also am requesting any and all correspondence, either written or electronic, regarding the assault, and the school's investigation and response related to the incident. |
Request denied. Student documents are not subject to FOIA. Information was provided to legal guardian/parent under FERPA. |
10/18/2017 |
I am kindly requesting a list of the employees and their addresses of those participating in the Teacher and Employee Retirement Incentive program (TERI). |
Request denied. The information is not subject to FOIA since the documents/information requested was intended for commercial use. |
11/3/2017 |
I would like to request a copy of the award tabulation/renewal pricing for the Food Service Equipment for District Schools bid for the 2017-2018 school year. If a new bid was issued, please also send a copy of the original bid packet. | Sales Company Bid.pdf Tab Sheet 2017-012.pdf Kitchen Equipment.pdf |
12/1/2017 |
Please provide the name of the individual at the District office who schedules the reservations for the Board of Trustees dinners and entertainment provided by suppliers,potential suppliers and/or those wishing to do business with the District at South Carolina School Board Association semi-annual conferences. |
No documents exist. |
12/5/2017 |
Please provide a copies of all executed contracts between the District and the design firm LS3P dated from 1/1/2016 until 12/2/2017. |
No documents exist. |
12/5/2017 |
A history of all payments including salary payments from January 1,2015 until the present - for ALL Board members during the time frame of Jan 1, 2015 to June 2017 |
Request filled. Documents filed. |
12/22/2017 |
I request a copy of all documents pertaining to Spencer Allen Myrick, including the complete student file and any and all documents to be used during the evidentiary hearing to be held in his regard on January 9, 2017. |
FERPA Information. Referred to Office of Planning and Administration. |
1/10/2018 |
Please email me a copy of the 2018 45-Day ADM that was provided to Board members for the January 8, 2018 Board Meeting. | - Murphy ADM.pdf |
1/22/2018 |
We are requesting the entire vendor responses and any vendor evaluation documents for this bid: RFP #2018-012 for a Food Service Management System. | Plus RFP.pdf RFP.pdf for Proposals PCS.pdf Plus Price Proposal.pdf
1/30/2018 |
I would like to request a copy of the award tabulation/renewal pricing for the Pizza Program bid for the 2018-2019 school year. If a new bid was issued, please also send a copy of the original bid packet. | of Award.pdf
2/8/2018 |
I am sending FOIA for all contacts and agreements with Dale Holden and any specific directives addendum or parameters attached to with the contract and agreements that with he, Dale Holden, made with District 5 in 2017 and 2018. | |
2/8/2018 |
I am requesting the names of all the design and architectural firms who have put in a bid to design the new potential school, which is the subject of the action item on the February 12th agenda at Harrison West. I am also requesting a copy of any RFP that has been advertised for this item and the address of the websites where it was posted. |
Completed Response filed. Link unavailable. |
2/13/2018 |
we request the personnel files for Brad Coleman and Dawn Diimmler, both of which have had employment at Lexington-Richland School District Five. This should include, but not be limited to, any complaints and disciplinary action against either employee, salary, employment dates and reviews. | 13.pdf |
2/15/2018 |
please provide me with the following information: • Copies of all SCBO solicitations for “design-build” and “construction manager at risk” delivery methods since January 1, 2013; • Copies of the Bidders lists indicating those bidding on the above-mentioned “design-build” and “construction manager at risk” solicitations since January 1, 2013; • Copies of fully contracts including their addendums, exhibits, and schedules awarded for “design-build” construction and contracts awarded “construction manager at risk” construction since January 1, 2013. |
Completed Response filed. Link unavailable. |
3/14/2018 |
When is Kelly’s contract with your district up for renewal? What is the full scope of services that Kelly provides for your district? What does your district pay Kelly on a per-staff, per-day basis relative to what it paid prior to contracting with Kelly? This information is only required as it pertains to substitute teachers and paraprofessionals provided by Kelly. |
Awaiting fee payment. |
3/29/2018 |
I would like to request a copy of the award tabulation/renewal pricing for the following bids for the 2018-2019 school year. If a new bid was issued, please also send a copy of the original bid packet. |
Completed response filed. Link unavailable. |
6/25/18 |
I am writing this letter to request documents and other information under the South Carolina Freedom of Information Act ("FOIA"), S.C. Code nn. 30-4-10 et seq. I am requesting copies of the following information: A complete copy of K. Randolph's student file; Copy of any incident reports involving K. Randolph; Copy of any and all Individualized Education Plans (IEP) or 504 accommodation plans for K. Randolph. |
Completed response filed. Link unavailable. |
Date Completed |
Items Requested |
Documents |
6/20/2016 | Any and all documents/records in the possession/custody of School District 5 of Lexington-Richland Counties related to these subjects: 1. Official approved duties, responsibilities, and allowed courses of action of the Board Chair of the Board of Trustees. 2. The official list of qualifications and persons allowed to make purchases or to otherwise financially bind for the District and the types of purchases and limitations of purchases to cause the District to be bound by purchases which those persons are empowered to make. 3. Occurances and actions at the time of and following the time of discovery of latent construction defects at Oak Pointe Elementary. 4. Occurances and actions at the time of and following of discovery of the requirement to replace the metal siding at Chapin High. 5. Financial compilations, reviews or audits prepared by and signed by independent certified professionals completed for the sole purpose of accounting for the 2008 Bond Referendum. | |
6/20/2016 | Provide the name and any information in your possession for or pertaining to the grading/sitework/civil contractor or subcontractor who did the original construction work for the Oak Pointe Elementary School. | |
5/25/2016 | Is attorney Michael Montgomery the attorney for the board of trustees? |
N/A |
6/20/2016 | Please describe the role(s) that Mr. Michael Montgomery is allowed to act with respect to the board. Was he approved by the board as general counsel in all respects? Or was he approved by the board as counsel related only to construction projects under the bond referendum and litigation related to those construction projects? Or was he approved for some other set or sets of tasks not mentioned above? Please list the limiting factors to which he must adhere in his role(s) as counsel in these regards. Also, under whose authority may he act? In other words, who can compel Mr. Montgomery to act when there are questions among the board members to propriety of the administration's prior actions? Is it only by vote of the full board that Mr. Montgomery may act? Is it by action of the board chair alone that he is compelled to act? | |
7/26/2016 | Please supply all invoices related to the work done by the contractor at Oak Pointe Elementary. | |
8/2/2016 | I am asking for the breakdowns or exact costs listed by trade which shows mark ups for each cost line item. The latest document that you submitted does not detail those costs. | |
9/14/2016 | Any and all documents/records in the possession/custody of School District 5 of Lexington and Richland Counties related to the subjects below. "Documents" or "records" shall be defined in the customary broad sense of such words to include by way of illustration, only and not by way of limitation the following items, whether printed or reproduced by any process or written and/or produced by hand and whether not claimed to be privileged or otherwise excludable from discovery, namely notes, correspondence, contracts, contract modifications, communications of any nature, telegrams, memoranda, notebooks of any character, summaries or reports of personal conversations, diaries, or memoranda, reports, notices, publications, invoices, bids, specifications, charts, drawings, photographs, sketches, minutes or records of meetings, reports and/or summaries of interviews, reports and/or summaries of investigations, agreements, reports and/or summaries of negotiations, drafts of any document, and revisions of drafts of any documents, photographs. 1. The warehouse office construction at the District 5 completed during 2012 or 2013. 2. The ceiling removal and renovation done at the Chapin High School Weight Room after the bond referendum construction. 3. The fire sprinkler project done at Irmo High School Fine Arts Center after the bond referendum construction (as required by Irmo Fire District fire marshall) 4. The 2015 remedial work done at Oak Pointe Elementary by Thompson-Turner Construction. 5. The 2015 metal siding renovation presently underway at Chapin High School by MAR. | |
8/12/2016 | Provide all information which depicts the vetting of Attorney Michael Montgomery for his role as attorney for complex construction related cases. |
N/A |
9/2/2016 | Several years ago LR5 purchased the parcel TMS 000720-04-012 from Palmetto Wood Designs, Inc. Please provide all documents related to that transaction including but not limited to (inter alia) correspondence, the listing agreements, the contract for sale, the final closing statement and statement of commissions distributed. |
N/A |
8/25/2016 | With respect to the Oak Pointe Elementary remediation project recently completed, please provide the actual amount of funds paid out by time period. Second, please provide the amount and year in which the funds were budgeted and source of the funds whether it be the general fund or some other special fund that the district tapped for this work. |
N/A |
8/12/2016 |
4th request for the construction at Oak Pointe Elementary School. Documents produced so far are not all inclusive. I am asking for the breakdowns of exact costs listed by trade which shows mark-ups for each cost line item. I know that the document from the contractor showing exactly what I have asked exists. |
N/A |
8/25/2016 | Please provide copies of the request for bids or proposals, bids and contracts issued for the Barn at the Center for Advanced Technical Studies. |
N/A |
9/26/2016 | Provide all contracts and change orders for site work construction at the Center for Advanced Technical Studies and Spring Hill High School. This request is inclusive or terminated contracts. |
N/A |
9/26/2016 | Provide official information confirming that all contracts and change orders for the Cente for Advanced Technical Studies and Spring Hill High were approved by the Board of Trustees of District Five. |
N/A |
9/14/2016 | Provide all documents related to the purchase transaction of the Derrick Pond Road property including but not limited to (inter alia) correspondence, the listing agreements, the contract for sale, the final closing statement and statement of commissions disbursed. |
N/A |
9/14/2016 | Confirm or deny that the property purchased on Derrick Pond Road was purchased for the purpose of constructing a new elementary school. |
N/A |
9/14/2016 | Provide copies of all agreements with consultants and subsequent reports from those consultants of the investigation, both before and after purchase, of the Derrick Pond Road property for the purpose of constructing a new elementary school. |
N/A |
9/14/2016 | Provide all invoices and back-up information that reflect the amounts paid to consultants before and after the purchase of Derrick Pond Road property. |
N/A |
9/14/2016 | Provide and all information which describes defects inherent with the property which would not allow for immediate construction of an elementary school on the Derrick Pond Road property. |
N/A |
9/14/2016 | Provide the specifications for the white metal siding material removed as part of the ongoing siding replacement project at Chapin High. |
N/A |
8/30/2016 | Provide any and all documents including but not limited to advertisement for bids, bids, vetting, records of interviews, record of votes taken by the Board of Trustees and the like which supports the selection process of the construction management firm Southern Management or its successor, Cummings-Southern Management both prior to or following the 2008 Bond Referendum. |
N/A |
8/30/2016 | Provide all information which depicts the vetting of Attorney Michael Montgomery for his role in any regard as attorney for the Board of Trustees. |
N/A |
9/7/2016 | Follow up requests under FOI 92016 Since there was a dispute about the listing where Gerald Steele said he was working with the bank and Greg Ross with Era had the actual listing, please supply Closing Statement. Closing statements executed and witness with signature by buyer, seller, and closing attorney are required by law. |
N/A |
9/30/2016 | Specifications and Shop Drawings for the 2015 Chapin High School siding removal and replacement. The shop drawings previously provided were from the 2011 Chapin High School renovation by China Construction. |
N/A |
9/20/2016 | Provide all semi-annual reports since 2007 under SC Code 11-35-2240 and 11-35-2240 for sole source contracting |
N/A |
9/22/2016 | Please provide the approved capital budget for 2015 and/or 2016 which show the Barn Projet at The Center for Advanced Technial Studies |
N/A |
9/27/2016 | You answered that all actions that the board took are recorded. My question was if all contracts and change orders were reviewed and approved by the board. |
N/A |
N/A |
Salary information for taxpayer-funded positions receiving $50,000 or more annually in your agency. |
N/A |
10/13/2016 | I am in possession of a letter of memorandum dated September 20, 2016 from Len Richardson to Dr. Hefner Re: Board Meeting-Center for Advanced Technical Studies Barn Construction. It says "The project budget was adjusted to bidding to the sum of $275,000.00." Please cite the passage in the District's Procurement Code or in the SC Code of Laws that allows such activity without the vote of the Board of Trustees in Public Session. |
N/A |
10/13/2016 | I have in my possession a copy of a letter of memorandum dated September 20, 2016 from Len Richardson to Dr. Hefner Re: Board Meeting - Center for Advanced Technical Studies Barn Construction. The memorandum says "It was determined that the District would make funds available for the construction in an amount not to exceed "275,000." Please state who approved the funding greater than was approved by the Board in FY 2016-17 Capital Budget Plan. |
N/A |
10/13/2016 | I have in my possession a copy of a memorandum dated September 20, 2016 from Len Richardson to Dr. Hefner Re: Board Meeting-Center for Advanced Technical Studies Barn Construction. The memorandum states "It was determined that the District would make funds available for the construction in an amount not to exceed $275,000." Please name the person or persons who made that determination. |
N/A |
10/13/2016 | I have in my posession a copy of a letter of memorandum dated September 20, 2016 from Len Richardson to Dr. Hefner Re: Board Meeting - Center for Advanced Technical Studies Barn Construction. Please provide the date that the approval was given to exceed the funding as approved by the Board FY 2016-17 Capital Budget Plan for the Center for Advanced Technical Studies Barn Construction. |
N/A |
10/13/2016 | I have in my possession a copy of a letter of memorandum dated September 20, 2016 from Len Richardson to Dr. Hefner. In that letter Mr. Richardson states, "The source of the additional funding was identified in the FY 2015-16 Capital Budget Plan." Please identify the account number(s) and project number(s) from which the additional funds were taken to make up the shortfall in approved funds for the Center for Advanced Technical Studies Barn Construction. |
N/A |
10/18/2016 | Requesting informaton regarding Thomas Bouknight. Provide copies of any and all documentation regarding complaints made by Thomas Bouknight to Mike Harris, Director of School Choice during the school year 2015-16. |
N/A |
N/A |
Please provide all teacher or employee policies related to the use of social media and the policies on discipline for teacher or employee misuse or abuse of social media. |
N/A |
N/A |
1. District policies and procedures relating to the conduct of teachers, including but not limited to teachers' code of conduct, teachers' communications with school board members, teachers' use of social media and teachers' participation in political activity. 2. District procurement policies relating to the procurement of contractors, any third parties performing work for the school district other than employees and all policies governing contracts, change orders, and work orders between the school district and any third parties. 3. District policies relating to nepotism. 4. District policies relating to the conduct of school board meetings including executive and regular sessions. 5. District policies relating to regular audits and special audits of income and expenditures or the district. 6. District policies relating to the acceptance of gifts given by third-parties to board members in order to gain favors from board members in their official capacity. |
N/A |
N/A |
Please provide the qualifications required by the SC Code of laws and certification possessed by Lynda Robinson, Coordinator of Purchasing,which show that she meets those qualifications. |
N/A |
1/31/2017 | I am requesting the opportunity for the newspaper to review the personnel file of Don D. Doggett, an assistant principal for instruction in Lexington/Richland District 5 from 2004-2007. I acknowledge that not everything in the files may be subject to disclosure, but some documents, such as evaluations, discipline records, certifications, applications and contracts, would be. This request has been sent on December 13, 2016 and a copy of the FOIA will be kept for The IndexJournal’s records. I can be reached by telephone at (864) 943-5644 if there are any questions. The records can be faxed to me at (864) 223-7331 or mailed to Ariel Gilreath, Index-Journal, P.O. Box 1018, Greenwood, SC, 29648. I can also be reached via e-mail at Since this request primarily benefits the general public, I request that any search or copying fees be waived. If there is a charge for providing me access, please advise me of your estimate of the charge and the basis of the charge before proceeding. |
N/A |
1/31/2017 | Requesting the following as it relates to the school bus that caught fire Wednesday morning outside Dutch Fork Elementary School: all maintenance documents for the school bus, the make, model, year, and any other information about the bus that would be relevant to the fire, all incident reports related to this fire from the District and Department of Education, any other fires of school buses like this one |
N/A |
1/19/2017 | I would like to review: A copy of D5 Superintendent Dr. Stephen W. Hefner's current employment contract, including any addendum that outline allowances, perks, stipends, etc. Since this request primarily benefits the general public, I request that any search of copying fees be waived. If there is a charge for providing me access, please advise me of your estimate of the charge and the basis for the charge when you call to arrange an appointment. |
N/A |
3/17/2017 | Documents or information regarding the renovation and new construction of the Dutch Fork Elementary School in Irmo, SC. Years of renovation were the late 1970's to early 1980's. Interested in name of contractors, documents associated with construction; invoices, blue prints, abatements, etc. | |
2/22/2017 | I would like to request the line item bid award tabulation/pricing sheets showing the following information for the listed bids, including awarded vendors, pricing, brands, product codes, and competitive quotes if available: Food Service Equipment for District Schools (10-13-2016); Pizza Program (2017-017) |
N/A |
N/A |
As a school of choice, GCA does not have the luxury of a feeder school like traditional high schools. To inform parents of this unique opportunity, I request an electronic list of the following information of your 6th-8th grade students. Please include the following: Student Name, Grade, Parent/Guardian, Address and Email |
N/A |
2/28/2017 | Provide invoices since 2012 for utilities paid to the Town of Chapin for Chapin High School |
N/A |
2/28/2017 | Provide documentation which shows the number of tap fees purchased from the Town of Chapin of its subsidiaries by the district for Chapin High School |
N/A |
2/28/2017 | Provide all documentation which proves that the district paid the Town of Chapin toward its fund for sidewalks at Chapin High School |
N/A |
3/15/2017 | I would like to request the line item bid award tabulation/pricing sheets showing the following information for the listed bid, including awarded vendors, pricing, brands, product codes, and competitive quotes if available: School Nutrition Paper Products (2017-028) | |
6/8/2017 | Please provide the names of the members of the Procurement Committee that began meeting after the first of this year. | |
N/A |
Please provide the names, contact information and method of payment or potential payment whether it be lump sum, commission by percentage or other method for any agent or consultant used or potentially to be used to purchase real property for the district. |
N/A |
N/A |
Please provide a copy of the settlement of any lawsuit, legal proceeding or other final negotiation concerning the District and its relationship with respect to any prime construction contrator related to the construction of at Chapin High School pursuant to the 2008 Bond Referendum. |
N/A |
5/2/2017 | 1. An offer for 20 acres of property on Amicks Ferry Road, including price asked by and offered to the owner, Ray Stoudemire of coldwell Bankers real-estate. | |
5/2/2017 | 2. All Student enrollment studies and projections related to Amicks Ferry Road area of Chapin, and school growth. | |
5/19/2017 | Provide a list of all attorneys or counselors at law, architects, engineers and construction contractors including principals or partners of the firms engaged or contracted by the district during the year 2016. | |
5/19/2017 | Provide a final accounting of all costs including design, construction, fencing and outfitting associated with the Horse Barn Project at the Center for Advanced Technical Studies. | |
4/25/2017 | Hello, I am requesting the pay and contract of the superintendent of the school district as of today. If the superintendent is no longer in office or is on leave, then I am requesting the most recent superintendent's contract and pay rate. Please see the attached Freedom of Information Request. | |
7/3/2017 | Please provide the invoices and amounts for HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) and roofing consultants including but not limited to John Stickney over the past five years. | |
5/11/2017 | I am requesting access to all documents related to meetings, minutes, sign in sheets, and notes and and attendance records, and emails notifying of the meetings and the addresses that the notices was sent to, for all those attending the District 5 Realtor Advisory committee meetings. | |
5/5/2017 | I am requesting access to and or electronic copies of the entire contract for construction at the new addition to the middle school near Spring Hill. | |
5/30/2017 | I am requesting all information regarding any meeting notices, public announcements notifying the public of a possible school on Amicks Ferry Rd giving the public a chance to give input about a new school in their vicinity. Please respond by email to me to let me know you have received this FOIA request. | |
6/15/2017 | 1. Submitted Bid 2017-043 by Company Mohawk USA llc dba Bump Armor 2. Photographs of the chosen 'Razor Case' 3. Email correspondence between Gerald Sullivan of District 5 and sales representative from Bump Armor 4. Documentation(brochures, photos, descriptions) regarding 'Razor Case' submitted to D-5 5. 'Razor Case' final product created for D5. | |
7/13/2017 | I am requesting the minutes and notes and agendas of the meetings of the Stakeholders meetings that were held to make the 2016-2021 strategic plan. | |
5/30/2017 | Please provide the check numbers, dates of payment and amount of payment from School District # 5 of Lexington and Richland Counties to the following for the calendar years 2015 and 2016: 1) Hussey, Gay, Bell and De Young Architects, Engineers and Planners 2) The McNair Law Firm 3) Quackenbush Architects 4) LS3P Architects 5) Hood Construction Company, Inc. 6) Duff and Childs, LLC 7) Cummings or Cummings-Southern Management 8) Stevens and Wilkinson Architects 9) JHS Architecture | |
6/29/2017 | Please send all documents pertaining to the Black Box ( drama theater ) renovations project at Chapin High School. | |
6/14/2017 | I am requesting excess and or electronic copies with all correspondence between District 5 and Chapin town hall and employees from town hall ,including Mayor Wilson, Karen Owens and others. |
N/A |
6/14/2017 | I am requesting information on how many students who live in the CES area, Amicks Ferry rd, Lexington ave, and Wessinger road that are currently zoned for Lake Murray Elementary school. I also want to know how many students were rezoned from CES to LME when the district initially rezoned students. | |
6/5/2017 | I am requesting information on the veterinary science program. Who can bring in their pets to get groomed by the students practicing animal grooming skills? Can the public, parents, tax payers bring in their pets to get groomed, so the students can practice? If so, is there a small fee for grooming? Where are the animals coming from to get groomed? Who owns the animals that get groomed? Is there a list of who brings the animals who get groomed? If so, I want the sign up list. | |
6/12/2017 | I'm requesting a copy of the employee handbook. I prefer an emailed PDF; or, if it is available on the Internet, then please send me a link. Thanks! | |
6/15/2017 | Please provide the bids, Intent to Award and contact information for the successful bidder for Solicitation 2017-43 Chromebook Cases closing date April 20,2017. | |
7/13/2017 | On March 12, 2017 I made an FOIA request which I restate in revised form of a new request as follows: "Please provide a copy of any lawsuit, legal proceeding and final negotiation or settlement concerning the District and its relationships with respect to any prime construction contractor or architect or consultant for the Chapin High School project pursuant to the 2008 Bond Referendum". | |
6/21/2017 | Please provide the complete cost of the Horse Barn Project at The Center for Advanced Technical Studies. I would like the costs including but not necessarily limited to the information previously given plus: all perimeter fencing, corrals, trailers, tack rooms, supplies and ancillary equipment. | |
7/17/2017 | Agency Disclosure for Mr. Al Berry, BIC. In addition, please provide any and all agreements or contracts between Mr. Al Berry, The Education Group and the School District entered into after May 1, 2015. | |
7/20/2017 | Please provide the case numbers and/ or parties in litigation for all active cases discussed in Executive Session within the above-referenced time period. In addition, please provide case numbers and/or litigation parties for all case that had been listed as “pending”, but are now “active”. | |
7/19/2017 | #1. I want the number of students attending Chapin cluster schools, by school, and if available , by grade, 2who are zoned for schools outside Chapin attendance area. #2. I want this information by category- teachers children, hardship cases, by school choice and any others. | |
6/28/2017 | #1. I am filing a FOIA to find out what other properties the district is currently looking at for an alternative site for an elementary school. I have requested this is writing at 2 board meetings, and have heard nothing. The current FOIA rules dictate that there is as 10 day time limit, so I want access to records of all land the school is currently looking at for a new school. #2. I want access to all forms and communications. emails and other records the Dist5rict has sent to the SCDOE Office of Facilities, connected to the site of Amicks Ferry Rd. | |
7/25/2017 | I am requesting the following information on the pet grooming for the veterinary program. 1) a list of all clients and their pets who have used this service in the past year. 2) a statement of all funds received from clients using this program and 3) What account those funds go into, 4) What those funds have been used on. Basically an audit of those funds that have come into the program. |
Request completed via email on July 25, 2017. On July 20, the district sent an email to Ms. Huffstetler informing her that the district was still working on her request in attempt to utilize the "negotiation" option of the FOIA law. The requester did not respond. |
7/10/2017 | 1) A list of all members who are on the procurement committee. 2) Purpose of the procurement committee... 3) A copy of D5's purchasing policies 4) Copies of the meeting agenda's for the procurement committee, date, attendance and location of those meetings for the past 2 years 5) A record of all actions or recommendations agreed to by the committee for the past 2 years. | |
7/10/2017 | The Procurement Committee: 1) Where are the meeting notices posted for this committee? 2) How far in advance are the meetings scheduled? 3) A record of the 24 hours prior notices of the scheduled meeting notifying members and others of the meeting. 4) Who are the members of this committee or group? 5) What is the schedule of these meetings and when have they taken place in the past 12 months? 6) I request copies of the meeting agenda and meeting minutes for the past 12 months. 7) A record of all actions or recommendations agreed to by the committee for the past 12 months. | |
6/20/2017 | Contracts and/or compensation packages enforce as of July 1, 2016 and any new or amended contracts and/or compensation packages indicating pay and any financial benefit for Dan Neal and Keith McAlister. | |
6/21/2017 | I am requesting access or electronic copies of any emails from Karen Owens and Mayor Skip Wilson, Andy Metts, to Robert Gantt, Dr. Hefner, or Ed White, from Jan 1, 2016- present June 2017. |
N/A |
6/28/2017 | I also want to know how many students were rezoned from CES to LME when the district rezoned students. I have had conversations of mom's who live on Amicks Ferry rd, and their child was zoned for LME and not CES. This is the type of info that I'm looking for, I hope that this clarifies my inquiry. | |
7/3/2017 | I am asking for access to all documents related to appraisals, firms used for appraisals, for the Amicks Ferry Rd property. | |
N/A |
Do you or have you had a personal or business relationship with Mr. Stoudemire or have you received campaign contributions from him? Also, I would like a response regarding the 2008 fund allocation as indicated above. |
N/A |
7/10/2017 | A copy of via electronic or print of the property appraisal document for the land on Amicks Ferry Road in Chapin, for Parcel A TMS 001000-02-010 and the appraisal for Parcel B TMS 001000-02-008. (D5 has a Option to Purchase contract which has been signed and is not in negotiation and according to H3352, this is a viable request). | |
8/8/2017 | Pursuant to the SC Code of Laws and the district's procurement code, please provide all documents related to procurement of services for real estate appraisals as well as the appraisal documents themselves for the proposed purchase of land for a new elementary school to be located on Amicks Ferry Road. | |
8/8/2017 | Please provide documents including but not limited (inter alia) to those as required by the SCDOE which show all sole source contracts entered into by the district from 1/1/2016 until the present. | |
8/1/2017 | With respect to the Chapin Middle School Addition Committee, please provide the name or names of the persons who severed as Secretary or who kept the notes to the meetings previously requested through FOIA. | |
8/8/2017 | With respect to the Chapin Middle School Addition Committee, please provide proof of the exact locations of the postings of 24 hour advance notices of meetings. In the case of physical postings, please provide photos. In the case of Website postings, please provide the exact location where on-line postings exist. | |
8/10/2017 | Please confirm that the district has adopted for public meetings Roberts Rules of Order newly revised 11th Edition. Also, please state whether or not district follows the latest edition of the SCAC Model Rules of Parliamentary Procedure and provide which edition of those rules it follows. | |
7/31/2017 | #1. How many bus routes go down Amicks Ferry rd #2. How many students ride busses from Lake Murray Elem. school to Amicks Ferry rd and St Peters Church Road and roads off of Amicks Ferry rd.and St. Peters Church rd in the morning and afternoon. #3. How many students from Chapin Elementary school ride buses to Amicks Ferry and St Peters Church road and other roads off of these main roads. #4. How many middle school students ride the bus routes on Amicks Ferry Rd, St. Peter's church rd, and all other roads off these main roads from Chapin intermediate and Chapin middle and Dutch Fork middle. #5. How many high school students ride the bus routes on AMicks Ferry Rd, St. Peter's church rd, and all other roads off these main roads, from Chapin high school and Dutch Fork high school | |
8/8/2017 | Please state whether or not there has been formed a committee similar to the Chapin Middle School Addition Committee formed for the purchase of the land for a proposed new elementary school on Amicks Ferry Road. If so, please provide the name of the committee, the members of the committee, the officers of the committee, 24 hr. meeting notices and notes to any meetings held by the committee. | |
7/31/2017 | On May 21,2017, I requested information concerning payments for certain vendors. I specifically requested information for the calendar year ending 12/31/2016. You referred me to the check register website https// That website only provides information up until June 30,2016. Please provide the website to the remainder of the calendar year 2016. |