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Frequently Asked Questions

How many schools are in your district?
Answer: We have a total of 24 schools: 13 elementary schools, 2 intermediate schools, three middle schools, four high schools, a Center for Advanced Technical Studies, and one alternative school. 

How do I register my child in your schools?
Answer: According to state law, all children who will be five years-old on or before September 1 must enroll in kindergarten. All children entering first-grade must be six years-old on or before September 1. To register, call your local elementary school and make an appointment. Take your child’s state issued birth certificate, SC Certificate of Immunization, Social Security card and three proofs of residence to the school to which you are zoned. Parents of children who are transferring to the district may bring sealed permanent records from their previous school. If not delivered by hand, parents should sing a record release form at their previous school and provide your new school with the previous school’s mailing address.

How do I find out what school an address is zoned to attend?
Answer: To find out what school a particular address is zoned to attend, contact the Office of Student Services, 476-8121 or use our Student Attendance Zone Locater.

Is your school district in Richland or Lexington County?
Answer: District Five boundaries include portions of both Lexington and Richland Counties.

Which schools are in Lexington County and which are in Richland?
Answer: The following schools are located in Lexington County: Chapin Elementary, Chapin Intermediate, Chapin High, Irmo Elementary, Irmo Middle, Irmo High, CrossRoads Intermediate, Nursery Road Elementary, Harbison West Elementary, Leaphart Elementary, Piney Woods Elementary, and Seven Oaks Elementary.
The following schools are located in Richland County: Alternative Academy, Ballentine Elementary, Chapin Middle, Center for Advanced Technical Studies, Dutch Fork Elementary, Dutch Fork Middle, Dutch Fork High, H. E. Corley Elementary, Lake Murray Elementary, Oak Pointe Elementary, River Springs Elementary and Spring Hill High.

How do I contact the schools?
Answer: Here is a list of school names, phone numbers, fax numbers, principals' contact information and more.

What are your student-teacher ratios?
Child Development = 20:1
Kindergarten = 24:1
Grades 1-3 = 21:1
Grades 4-5 = 24:1
Grades 6-12 = 25:1

How many employees does District Five have?
Answer:  Approximately 2,450

When and where are school board meetings held?
Answer: The board of trustees typically meets on the second and fourth Monday of each month at 7 p.m. and the meetings are usually held at a school.

How can I share my opinions with the school board?
Answer: The public is invited to attend all meetings of the school board. A time for public participation is included at the beginning of each meeting. You may also email school board members via the link on this web page.

Where can I find a copy of a board policy?
Answer: School board policies can be found as a link on our "Board" web page.

What Judicial District is District Five located in?
Answer: District 11

What Congressional District is District Five located in?
Answer: District 2

How many square miles does the district cover?
Answer: 196 square miles

Does the district have a four year-old kindergarten program?
Answer: Yes. Programs for four-year old students are available at Chapin Elementary, Dutch Fork Elementary, Harbison West Elementary, H. E. Corley Elementary, Irmo Elementary, Leaphart Elementary, Nursery Road Elementary, Oak Pointe Elementary, River Springs Elementary, and Seven Oaks Elementary Please contact the office of Early Childhood Education for more information.

How do I find out about the academically gifted program?
Answer: District Five’s Academically Gifted Program serves grades three through 12. Elementary students’ instruction is supplemented by enrichment activities. Secondary students focus on accelerated course content through honors level courses. Advanced Placement courses are available at the high school level. Students are identified as gifted by SC Department of Education guidelines. Please contact Tami Richardson, 476-8167 for further information.

Is there after-school care available?
Answer: All elementary schools offer after-school programs. Daily or weekly fees are charged; scholarships or vouchers are available for students in need of financial assistance. Contact your school for more information.

What are the district’s test scores?
Answer: District Five test scores are among the highest in the state. To get up-to-date test scores, visit our Office of Academics page.

Does the district offer special education programs?

Answer: Special services are offered to children ages three to 21 who are speech/language impaired, learning disabled, emotionally disabled, hearing or visually impaired, orthopedically or other health impaired, autistic, traumatic brain injured, mentally disabled or multi-disabled. For more information on special services, call (803) 476-8222.

Do you have adult education courses?
Answer: A wide variety of adult and community education programs are offered throughout the year. Courses to earn a high school diploma, GED or to learn new skills are available to adults in the community on an on-going basis. Call the adult and community education office at (803) 476-8229 for more information or email their Direcor Paula Wright at

How can I conduct research within your schools?
Answer: All proposals for doing research within the District are to be submitted to the Research Committee administered by the Office of Accountability.  Please submit proposals at least eight weeks prior to the time the study is to be conducted..