First Jobs
- First Jobs
- Federal & State Law
- Scope of Work
- Application Process
- Students at Work
- Available Positions
- FAQs
- Work-Based Learning Requirements
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First Jobs
Work-based learning (“WBL”) consists of sustained interactions with industry or community professionals in a real work-based environment. Consistent with the work-based learning implementation guidelines from the South Carolina Department of Education, School District Five of Lexington and Richland Counties will pilot a Student Work Study (“SWS”) program. This program will be coordinated at each High School to provide a coherent sequence of workplace experiences and on the job training that will assist students in becoming “career-ready.”
Federal & State Law
Federal & State Law
Due to federal and state laws regarding
child labor, this program will only be offered
to students ages 16 and older. Students
ages 16 and 17 will be required to submit
written consent from their parent/guardian
in order to participate in the program. The
child labor laws do not apply to students
who are 18 years of age or older. However,
minors ages 16 and 17 may not engage in
any occupation deemed “hazardous”, as
defined under the 17 hazardous
occupations orders in the Fair Labor
Standards Act. For these reasons, the
District will ensure that no students ages 16
or 17 engage in any such “hazardous” work.
Hazardous occupations are deemed to
include the following:
- Manufacturing and storing of explosives
- Driving a motor vehicle and outside helper on a motor vehicle
- Coal mining
- Occupations in forest firefighting, forest fire prevention, timber tract operations, forestry service, logging and sawmilling
- Power-driven woodworking machines
- Exposure to radioactive substances and to ionizing radiations
- Power-driven hoisting apparatus, including forklifts
- Power-driven metal-forming, punching, and shearing machines
- Mining, other than coal mining
- Operating power-driven meat processing equipment, including meat slicers and other food slicers, in retail establishments (such as grocery stores, restaurants, kitchens, and delis) and wholesale establishments
- Power-driven bakery machines, including vertical dough or batter mixers
- Power-driven balers, compactors, and paper processing machines
- Manufacturing bricks, tile, and related products
- Power-driven circular saws, band saws, chain saws, guillotine shears, woodchippers, and abrasive cutting disks
- Wrecking, demolition, and ship-breaking operations
- Roofing operations and all work on or about a roof
- Excavation operations
Scope of Work
Scope of work:
Food Services
Basic Maintenance
CDL (School Bus Endorsement)
Trainee (Must be 18 years of age or older to participate and receive the training, and must be 18 years old with a
High School Diploma to receive the endorsement)
Please note the following parameters for participation in the program.
Minimum of 16 years old (with the exception of the CDL trainee – who must be 18 years of age or older)
Parent/Guardian permission: Students 16 to 17 years old will be required to have
parent/guardian permission to participate in the program
Amount earned per hour:
$9.00/hour per temporary student employee
Application Process
Application Process
The application involves several steps and typically takes 30-60 minutes to complete. It can be paused and resumed without loss of progress.
Reference Requirements: Students must provide at least THREE references, with email addresses. Acceptable references include teachers, school staff, or community members, but not friends or relatives.
Parental Consent: Submission of a completed parent/guardian permission form is mandatory./guardian permission form.
Students at Work
Available Positions
Click each button below to view available positions!
Frequently Asked Questions
Balancing Work and School:
Students will collaborate with their school counselor to integrate work hours into their academic schedule, such as during study hall periods.
Some positions may require work outside regular school hours (8:25am- 3:45pm).
Work Hours:
Students are permitted to work up to 20 hours per week.
Job Responsibilities:
Specific job descriptions are provided at the beginning of this document.
Students will receive detailed instructions on duties and responsibilities from their area supervisor.
Application Assistance:
Assistance is available from your Career Specialist by appointment.
- This is a paid position at $9.00 per hour, with a maximum of 20 hours per week.
- Students are required to submit weekly timesheets.
Work-Based Learning Requirements
Work-Based Learning Requirements
- Student IGP Copy: A copy of the student's Individual Graduation Plan (IGP) is required.
- Plan of Study: If the IGP does not align with the job, a personal plan of study must be completed. Personal Plan of Study Link
- Training and Evaluation: Participation in the WBL Training Agreement and Student Evaluation is necessary. WBL Agreement
- WBL- Training Agreement Student Evaluation
- Record Keeping: All documentation must be retained for two years post-graduation for state auditing.
- Performance-Based Raise: Eligibility for a $0.50 raise after a successful mid-year evaluation (rating of three or higher).