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Challenged Materials

As of August 1, 2024, Regulation 43-170 Uniform Procedure for Selection or Reconsideration of Instructional Materials replaces all KEC, KEC-R, and KEC-E until a final policy can be approved.  Complaint form:  South Carolina Instructional Materials Uniform Parent Complaint Form should be emailed to Amee White, secretary to the School District 5 of Lexington and Richland Counties School Board,

Notice of Appeal of Instructional Material to the SC State Board of Education Persuant to Regulation 43-170


The committee's decision, and if applicable, the board's review, regarding the appropriateness of a book or reading material cannot be challenged again until the expiration of five years from the original challenge date.

Date Material(s) Challenged Report
11/9/2022 Challenge Received 10/21/2022 11/9/2022 Final Committee Report
11/7/2023 Challenge Received 9/26/2023

11/7/2023 Final Committee Report

*Reversed by Board of Trustees 12-11-2023

2/20/2024 Challenge Received 1/9/2024 2/20/2024 Final Committee Report