Dual Enrollment Opportunities
Various dual enrollment courses are offered in Lexington - Richland 5 for students who are academically ready to pursue college coursework while still in high school. Through dual enrollment courses, students will take college courses that will be facilitated on the school district’s campuses. Dual Enrollment courses count for both high school graduation credit and college credit. Courses will be offered through Midlands Technical College. The South Carolina Department of Education awards dual enrollment courses with one quality point above base points on the South Carolina Uniform Grading Scale.
All Dual Enrollment courses are facilitated on Lexington Richland 5 campuses and students have access to various resources provided through our collaboration with Midlands Technical College. In person courses will be taught at the Career and Technology Center (CATs) in conjunction with the Midlands Technical College yearly calendar. Asynchronous courses will require students to have a study hall built into their daily schedule.
Lexington Richland Five offers two options for dual enrollment participation:
Stand Alone Course Enrollment: Students can enroll in dual enrollment course(s) delivered through in person, asynchronous and hybrid formats offered through the partnership with Midlands Technical College. Students must be classified as a junior or senior as outlined in the District 5 course catalog, complete the D5 Dual Enrollment Application, and meet all enrollment criteria required by District 5 and Midlands Technical College. Please see the course listing page for available courses in the upcoming school.
Certificate Enrollment: Students enroll in a prescribed pathway of dual enrollment courses as determined by Midlands Technical College. The successful completion of the pathways results in the awarding of a Certificate. Students can earn certificates towards: General Studies, Public Health, or Public Service. Students must be classified as a sophomore as outlined in the District 5 course catalog, and meet all enrollment criteria required by District and Midlands Technical College.
For more information, please send an email to dualenrollment@lexrich5.org