Student Services and Planning
The goal of the Student Services and Planning office is to ensure that every District Five student has an opportunity to enroll into school where he/she can feel safe and nurtured and can maximize their full potential. Through an established system designed to eliminate barriers that may adversely interfere with a student’s learning, the Student Services and Planning office incorporates professional services such as: student records and attendance; mandated testing procedures; mentoring; parenting and school social work; homeschool instruction; medical homebound instruction; adult education; nursing services; 4k youth and family services; school discipline and school safety; grant funding as well as the administration of state affidavits and proof of residence.
Contact Us:
Dr. Michael R. Harris
Chief of Student Services and Planning
(803) 476-8121
LaRose Morgan
Administrative Secretary
(803) 476-8121
Employee Student Transfer Requests / Out of District Release
If you are an employee of Lexington/Richland School District Five and are requesting a student transfer for your child(ren); please use the online employee student transfer application. (Click on application to access form); or if you are in need of an out of district release (Click on out of district release to access form) for your child(ren) to attend school in the district where you are employed.
For additional information, please contact the Office of Student Services at 803-476-8121.
Proof of Residence/Affidavit
When a parent is referred to the District Office for the state affidavit or a proof of residence concern they must satisfy the following:
The parent or legal guardian must reside in Lexington/Richland District Five or with someone who resides in Lexington/Richland District Five.
- The person that owns or rents the property in which you are residing must complete a Residency Affidavit Form (which LRSD5 will provide) notarized, attesting to the fact that you and your family are currently residing with the legal resident.
- Property Tax Bill for the permanent residence
- Mortgage Statement (current)
- Rental Lease (complete copy, listing all occupants)
- Real Estate Closing Documents (where applicable)
- Vehicle Tax Registration
- Voter Registration Card
- Electric Bill
- Water Bill
- Telephone Bill
- Cable/Satellite Bill
If you have recently moved and are unable to provide the two additional required documents listed above, you must, to a minimum provide a Rental Lease or Real Estate Closing Document. You, as the parent or legal guardian, must also get a Residency Affidavit Form (which LRSD5 will provide) notarized, attesting to the fact that all current documentation for address verification presented is true and accurate.
Within 45 days of enrollment, you, as the parent or legal guardian, will be required to provide two documents of mail in your name that show the address of the person with whom your family resides. Junk mail is not acceptable. Acceptable documents are: 1) paycheck stub 2) W-2 statement 3) car insurance 4) bank statement 5) state supported services 6) voters registration card 7) vehicle tax registration.
The affidavits are done at each school. Only the state affidavit or residency concerns will be done at the District Office.
3 types of Affidavits used:
1) Parent Affidavit JFAA/JFAB E(1)
2) Resident Affidavit JFAA/JFAB E(2)
3) State Affidavit 59-63-32(B)
The affidavit process must be completed annually.
- In order for a child to be enrolled in Lexington/Richland District Five, they must reside in the district with a parent or legal/guardian or custody that has been awarded by the court, Department of Social Services or a retainer from an attorney stating pursuit of guardianship.