Love and Grow Our Students Through Mentorship
Lexington-Richland School District Five invites you to become a mentor to a student. This is the growing season for our students and we would like for you to be a key element in our student’s growth. We invite you to be a “SANDS” component.
SANDS stands for: Supporting, Advising, Nurturing, D5 Students
Your commitment to becoming a mentor is to contribute at least one hour of your time a week with a student at their school. Mentors play a significant role in establishing a connection with their mentee, providing advice and guidance, lending support, listening and serving. Examples of what mentoring looks like:
Reading a book with your mentee
Helping with homework
Eating lunch with your mentee
Being a listening ear and/or having a positive conversation
Steps to becoming a Mentor:
Complete the Mentor Application: Mentor Application with Confidentiality Agreement
Submit your application by:
Drop off at 1020 Dutch Fork Road, Irmo, SC 29063
Wait to be contacted by the district for more information. The process typically takes about 1 week from the time the district receives your application.