Needs Based 4K
Needs-Based 4-year-old Kindergarten (4K) is a non-tuition based, academically and standards driven program designed to meet the needs of students that require additional teaching and learning experiences to prepare them for 5-year-old Kindergarten. Students are assessed using a developmental screener to identify the students that would most benefit from this full-day program. Students are taught in literacy rich classrooms with a focus on reading, writing, hands on mathematics, social sciences, language and related arts such as art, physical education and music. Students are taught the SC Early Learning Standards adopted by the state of South Carolina.
*The application process for 4K non-tuition-based programs begins on February 5, 2024 for the 24/25 school year. Go to your zoned elementary school to apply!
Needs-Based 4K (non-tuition):
The 4K application process for the 24/25 school year will begin February 5, 2024. Please note that your child must be 4 on or before September 1 to apply for the 4K program. Go to the school office of your zoned elementary school with the following information. **There is no school of choice for non-tuition based 4K**:
- Your child's legal birth certificate
- One proof of residence
You will be given a screening date and time. 4K screenings will be conducted in early June. You will be notified in mid-late July of your child's status with the program. (Please note that not every child screened for the program is accepted into the program.) As part of the screening process for 4K, we screen students for basic concepts, motor and language skills.
Davida C. Price
Coordinator of Youth and Family Services
(803) 476-3165